Friday, July 19, 2019


Yes.....I have a choice.......
We all have choices every day.....are you thinking about your choices?
Yesterday I chose to call my little brother about a question I had......only to find he was in the hospital with an infection....we don't communicate much.but I love him dearly......and am very concerned....called my sister and got her involved.....that is what you do when one of yours is in need......
It has been a long week and I have not been in the mood to write much but that does not mean my life has not kept moving on......Patty over...Dominos at Shirley's......Dentist appointment and  a call from......Sher calls about every day......thank you..thank you!.....yes the neighbors bring in my garbage and check on me regularly...... It is terrible getting old!!!!
Tomorrow .....I hope I can make the date I have with my sweet nephew...Mike....To go to a play in Provo........ He and I have always had a lot of fun times togetther......

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