Monday, July 8, 2019


Words.....I love words.  Here are a few we use now and then....some....occastionally!  BUT how often do we use HOPE?  Lots....I hope it doesn't rain....I hope I didn't forget to close the garage.....I hope I have enough money.....etc. etc. etc.....every day we  HOPE a lot.  We hope for good things and we hope for things that we can live without.......
There is healing power in "Hope".....Researchers therorize that "hope" actually changes your brain chemistry, releasig hormones that act like morphine to ease pain! "Hope" can also have positive effects on breathing and reduces stress......The more "hopeful" you are, the less anxiety you have....also encourage stress-relieving behaviors like eating healty and exercising.....People who have "hope" are more likely to succeed because they always have a positive attitude and they adapt to reach any goal.....
"We are each of us, a miracle....Within everyone of us, the pilot light of "Hope" never dies."

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