Thursday, July 4, 2019


A Happy Fourth of July to everyone.......
All I can say is;.......Things really change .....but not.....over the years as people celebrate the wonderful 4th of July.....I know God is hanging out there feeling so sad.....when it says in the bible that.....'A country divided....(which our's is).....can never succeed"....or something like that....I DO NOT HAVE.... the energy or the desire to celebrate much today.....fight ..fight.....fight...kill...kill...kill...We are so divided in every thing our country is doing...thanks to the Democrates.....they are tearing our world apart......crumbling before our eyes.....God....can't you make Polosie  see this.....?  She needs to read the Constitution and the things she is accountable for......we the people .....No.....I am not excited about the 4th....Sherrie called from  Lake Powell and wished me a happy fourth and Leslie called from Colorado Springs to wish me happy 4th,,,So nice when those who care ....let you know.... very quiet day for me......

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