Sunday, December 20, 2015


     Well......try to catch up with the week.  Busy getting ready for the family Christmas Party last night.......Presents, decorations, food, house cleaned, tables set etc.  Today I am pooped.......trying to get a few things done, but mostly sleeping.  I had 20 people......and everyone got along with one another......I added three new branches to my family tree in 2015.....Lindsay,  Aaron, Matt.  Nicci and Brayden were not able to be with us but the rest of the family showed up.  Lots of good food, many fun gifts,  Robby was Santa Squirrel in his Halloween costume and gave out the gifts.....The girls had done my DNA Test to find out my heritage and theirs..... In Europe.....99%.......89% British, 6% Iceland, 3%  Scandinavia, 2% Finland/Northwest Russia, 2% Iberian Peninsula, 1% Europe East .....In West Asia....Caucasus 1%.........very interesting.  I can definitely see my age is taking a toll on entertaining, very tired today. I even squeezed in the new movie STAR WARS with the Christensons and Grandpa Bud yesterday.......Kinda a let down today as far as I am concerned Christmas for me is over.   I probably will go to Panniers for dinner on Christmas Eve and then to a movie and McDonalds for Christmas dinner........But it's all good!

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