Friday, December 25, 2015


MERRY CHRISTMAS 2015........a long time ago on Christmas Eve this picture was taken.......with 8 of my 9 grandchildren.....number 9....shown in the cut-out was on a mission in wasn't so long ago but they have all grown up.....gotten married.....and moved on with their lives......I am so happy how they have turned out.....but lonesome because I never see them much anymore.  Here I sit alone on Christmas Day.....Pam and Sherrie called and I talked to my sister.......But I have many blessing to be thankful for this Christmas.......My health is good, I have a nice home and enough to eat and wonderful neighbors who came with their snow blower and cleaned my sidewalks and driveway.......I am beginning to think as you grow older you are more fortunate to have good friends and neighbors than family????  I did get to talk to my missionary in Washington for a few minutes.....he will be home next Christmas.......that can make a grams day.  Snowed most the day so are having a real "White Christmas!"

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