Saturday, December 12, 2015


                             Did you ever wonder how you could screw-up so bad once in awhile......Well, I just realized it was because of the "SCREW-UP-FAIRY"......Great.....finally somebody to blame it on!
                            Two weeks till Christmas and every window is beginning to display a Christmas Tree......The tradition of the Christmas Tree stays green all through the year, the evergreen tree is symbolic of the eternal life offered to Christians through faith in Christ.....The treetop point heavenward.  A star signifies the special star which guided the wise men to Bethlehem.  Lights represent Christ, the "Light of the World".  Gifts beneath the tree are representative of God's gift of His only begotten Son who brings Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.
                            Sherrie and Ken came by for awhile today.....Ken helped with chores.  Sherrie gave two of my neighbors Christmas treats for being so good to me.......I think I raised her right!  Mike called and wanted my new address and we had a good visit.......No snow down here, but cold.

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