Saturday, December 5, 2015


Here are two of my favorite people......who I will love to the end of my days.  I can only hope that "someday" they will realize they need us as much as we need them.
Think about this........Monday.....Tuesday......Wednesday......Thursday......Friday.....Saturday......Sunday.....But there is no SOMEDAY.  Where did the word Someday come from?  Everyday has a name.   You say "someday"  I will be rich, famous, old, etc........Someday never is always  "out there" and we go on with our todays.......naming each one as it comes along but always talking about someday and reaching for it or waiting for it.  Someday is an interesting word with a lot of "HOPE" attached to it..........Someday when I grow up........anticipating, expecting, surmising you will grow up someday.......that you will be rich, famous and live to be an interesting thought.......but I guess it doesn't hurt to hope.
is patient and kind; love is not jealous, or conceited, or proud, or provoked;  Love does not keep a record of wrongs;  Love is not happy with evil, but is pleased with the truth.  Love never gives up; its faith, hope and patience, never fail.

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