Sunday, December 6, 2015


Friends......what would we do without our friends?  Have you noticed how a friend gathers all the pieces and gives them back to you in the right order?  Every person knows the value of a trusted friend who will lend an ear and give a hand.  Such friends are able to talk things through and turn troubles into things that don't seem so bad.......As Helen Keller notes;, "As long as we sweeten another's pain, our lives are not in vain."
When one has lived many years, the past becomes an attic;  One goes there hunting some particular thing and finds everything except what one went to find!!!!!BUT....I still can't find my Christmas books....will give it another go tomorrow.....LIFE SEEMS LIKE ONE BIG TREASURE HUNT WHEN YOU MOVE......YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE PUT ALL YOUR TREASURES!
Church and a very quiet weekend.

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