Friday, December 11, 2015


I am a note maker......and this would be a good one to keep posted in bold print where I can't miss it.    It is almost eleven o'clock and I am still trying to get a few lines recorded in my blog.  Just as I was starting my blog.....which I couldn't get into without arguing with GOOGLE.......about my password.....Shirley called me and said she would come over and see what was wrong with my computer......then Toby called to tell me Mickey died.....she was a very good friend .....known her for almost 50 years and took her place in one of my favorite bridge clubs when she moved to Denver.   She had a melatonin in her mouth......lost some teeth etc......haven't seen her for quite awhile.  Quite a shock.   Toby said call Pat and the mean time Sherrie called, they were at the cabin and would be down tomorrow.........After two long conversations with Pat and Jane I finally got back to the computer........Things are so hectic now days.  I did get a lot of chores done today.  Dollar store, made a copy of a photo I needed, stopped at Petco and made an appointment for GIGI to be groomed Tuesday, picked up some hair color and Salt for the drive way when it snows.....ran down to the DI and dropped off  some stuff, came home and colored my hair and filled 20 sacks full of candy for our Christmas party Saturday.
Wednesday had Shirley, Bonnie and Nancy here for our annual MEXICAN TRAIN Christmas Party, served lunch and exchanged time.  Then yesterday Patty and Ruth came for lunch and we exchanged gifts and  had our usual therapy session........which lasted till after five.........they didn't seem to want to go home !!!!  Ruth's gift to us was a coloring book and crayons and colored pencils and pens.......our next get-to-gather........we will color!  Now you know what old people do when they get to gather!!!
Well it is way past my bed time so will try and do better with my blog in the coming weeks........

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