Wednesday, September 30, 2015


WOW.......First I complain about there not being enough hours in a day and now I think they should add another day to the week!  Here I am with my latest new great-granddog .....Lady.   Andrea has been married a month and they already have a new puppy!......and she is now days can't wait 9 months to get a baby......they just get a dog!
Saw Ann Romney's book about "Being a Mom was my Job!"......Yes, after I got married and had a daughter I felt being a Mom was my job!!!!   but my airline pilot husband, never really go that.......He treated me as if I was hardly earning my room and board....I admit I only had one child for 11 years but I kept up the house, yard, family connections, 36 I had a set of twins and I focused the next 18 years on getting them raised with the help of my wonderful 11 year old daughter.......My husband was either in a Western Air Line Plane or a National Guard plane somewhere in the world....."getting his hours in"......Yes, Ann Romney.....I too was a stay at home Mom!  But I didn't have the kind of husband that backed me  through it.  He walked out when the twins were 18 for a younger woman and now he is paying for it......'YOU KNOW HOW CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES WORK?"
Funny coincidence.......'Mr Wonderful'.......Had a pace maker put in last week.....well, the wonderful wife came up for it but after 4 days called Pam and told her she was going back to LA and she should check on him.......Sherrie and I did on Sunday and Monday and Pam was to take over Tuesday and try and get Karrie to help.......Well, I am not sure what is going on as he does not feel like going to LA with her and it looks like she is tired of tending "old sick people" after her father and then her mother who just died at 104 last January.....I hope she is happy she broke up our home and is stuck with him......I have thoroughly enjoyed my last 29 years of freedom and do not have an old sick person to tend!!!!!!
My sweet cousin Lucille and her husband came to see my new house today and I made them lunch, then my best friend Patty dropped by for coffee,,,,,,been a busy few days.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

HOPE....... family tree seems to be losing a few of it's branches......but it's too late in my life to plant another one! the little voice you hear whisper "Maybe".....when it seems the entire world is saying "NO".....  Don't know where the past few days have slipped away to but for some reason......there just were not any fun thoughts for me to write about......maybe to much social life.   Patty and Ruth over for lunch Thursday and the Dominos group at Shirley's on Friday......just wiped out.  Good news Sherrie called and wanted to stay a couple of nights to look in on Don.....Tony has to go to LA to tend her mamma's old sick dog and leave her old sick husband......he does not feel like traveling with her and the girls are worried about him........I haven't seen her for a month..
Lisa Beltz came over and hooked up my new phones and the new DVD player for me today.......I am adopting that family to be mine as they are willing to come help me when I need something done.  I hope my sister got home safely today from her cruise......I have really missed talking to her all week......hope to run down and see her in a couple of weeks.   And tomorrow is church day already......enjoyed seeing Pope Francis , such a wonderful man....... on TV all week.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


All I can say is WHY?.....
I almost let this family destroy my life.......but way?  We all have choices and what we do with them is up to us, but there are always consequences......and what goes round, comes round!
"You have to love, You have to feel, it is the reason you are here on earth.  You are here to risk your heart.  You are here to be swallowed up.  And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness.  Tell yourself that you tasted as many as you could." L. ERDICH
One of my favorite therapist Virginia Satir.....Big in my NLP classes established a model of how we experience transition when hit by a change in our lives.
1.  LATE STATUS QUO.......Here you are in the uneventful present, and the skies are clear.  But, this stage is called late status quo because.....though you don't yet know it.......something is about to come along and......
2. unexpected even occurs.  Get a call from your doctor, or boss or find your in a lawsuit.....whatever it is the foreign element tells you, instantly that everything has changed. (one of your children decide they don't need the family any longer)
3.  Your life has been turned upside down, What you had hoped for, planned for, or predicted may no longer be possible or even relevant.....This chaos phase works as a kind of incubator, a laboratory where suffering and confusion can lead to something valuable........a million tears do not help!
4.  Transforming may have an epiphany, a stroke of inspiration brought about by all that disorder.  You perceive a way forward.... and you begin to ponder ways to put the revolutionary idea into motion.  (Face it, you have two other families that love and need you and many of your friends are in the same boat!)
5.  Integration and may generate and discard several transforming ideas before you find one that fits....but don't get discouraged.
6.  FINISH.......As you get use to the idea of one their ease back into relative peace.  The storm clouds dissipate; the skies begin to lighten, you are proud to still be standing so pat yourself on the back; you made it to the other side!!!!!
My life will go on and I will add new friends and neighbors......(that will never take their place)......but will fill the fact my nice neighbor Hon just brought over a bowl of salad and two dough filled things......that I haven't a clue how to cook.....for my dinner tonight.....Yes, life is good.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


My wonderful first grandchild sharing a moment together at her wedding........I am sure if you would ask her what we were enjoying it would not be the same thing I was enjoying.....because two people never see the same thing going on around them.  Our stories are the glue of what we are, they stitch together what we become.  Our ability to tell them is fundamental to how we celebrate and examine our lives.
After we have satisfied the need for water, food and a roof ....companionship, storytelling is where we turn for encouragement in how to live.  Sharing your story helps remind us what we believe in, and helps us make sense of our fickle world.....No two stories are ever the same, they are our fingerprints.  Whether grand or trivial, stories and the ways we tell them shape us and the world.  (My friend Jane told us of taking her two boys ......alone.......when they were little on a trip.......only she could tell it from her eyes!!!!)  The brain turns into a carnival when we tell our stories.....lights switch on in our heads, neurons fire more rapidly.....whether the story is happy or sad.   I remember growing up and sitting around our kitchen table listening to wonderful stories my father would tell of all the things he did growing up......we loved them.  Through listening we can have as many lives as we want......we become the child riding her first bicycle, the miner trapped down the shaft, the woman who survives cancer.
When all is said and done. when the last sound goes off in the darkness, everything can be taken from us.......our homes, our identities, our health , our loved ones.....but our stories remain......through our stories we survive!  This has been proven by many tribes of people all over the world......who did not read or write......but their stories kept their tribes going for centuries.

Monday, September 21, 2015


                    With so many good friends falling fast around me.......I some times think I need to take more times each day to enjoy the simple things......Today Pat, Jane and I ran over to see a long time friend who has Lou Garicks disease......She is trying to be so brave but that is a tough disease to handle.  We laughed and talked about our many good times.....Sometimes the simply joys turn out to be the biggest miracles of all....we need to celebrate the sweet moments waiting to be unwrapped each day.......simple joys are to be found in the ordinary twinkling stars, answered prayers, sharing a cup of coffee with a favorite friend......Look within, look beyond and you will find beautiful moments, big and small.   All these things can bring smiles and happiness.....they are already out just need to open your eyes and your heart and enjoy.
                         "TEACH US TO DELIGHT IN SIMPLE THINGS"......Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, September 20, 2015


This beautiful family don't realize the changes that will come into their family with the wedding of their only daughter.....Annie!  She now belongs to Matt, she will not be around as much or need them and will be moving on making a new life.....which they have been working toward for the last 20 years......but are they ready for it?  Richard is home from his two years mission and living with friends and going to college......not around much and not under their control anymore......which they have been working for .....for the last almost 22 years......but are they ready to let go of these two????   They still have 14 year old Scottie at home but in a blink he will be off on a mission and they will have an empty nest.......READY OR NOT......that is how life works......I hope they are ready for these changes.
But while change is inevitable, it's also "SURVIVABLE" fact, you can transform life's not-so-fun "SURPRISES"..... into bold "NEW BEGINNINGS"!
If you never had a change in your life.....just day after day of the same ol' same ol' would never have a chance to grow.....We would miss out on the essential point of being alive which is to experience experiences and feel feelings.  Feel the loss and not fight the grief.
This is my third granddaughter.....Andrea Rachelle Cook/Fritzche.........isn't she beautiful????

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Every day is a great day when you wake up at this age.......Patty came by for coffee, went to Costco and talked to Pam and Sherrie......talking to my kids always makes me happy.  Dog sitting at Pam's the next couple of nights while they go to their friends cabin.......that's what grandmas do.
Have just heard of a new Medicare Part G.......which answer all our problems in old age!
No room in a rest home......Say, you are an older citizen and can no longer take are of yourself and need long-term care, but the government says there is no Nursing Home care available for you.....So what can you do?  You opt for Medicare Part G.
The plan gives everyone 75 or older a gun (Part G).......and one bullet.  You are allowed to shoot one worthless politician.  This means you will be sent to prison for the rest of your life.....where you will receive three meals a day, a roof over you head, central heating and air conditioning, cable, TV, A library and all the health care you need.....need new teeth?  No problem.  Need new glasses?  That's great.  Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart?  They are all covered.  As an added bonus your kids can come and visit you at least as often as they do now......and who will be paying for all this?  The same government that just told you they can't afford for you to go to a Nursing home.........
And you will get rid of a useless politician while your at it.  .....And now, because you are a prisoner you don't have to pay any more income taxes!  Is this a great country or what?????
Now that you have solved your Senior long term Care problem enjoy the rest of your week!!!!!.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Yes, I remember what I was doing 24years ago this evening.......celebrating my last child's wedding at her reception......Karrie and Richard were married 24 years ago today in the Salt Lake Temple and we had her reception at the U of U center.  24 years later they just had the reception for their only daughter got to experience the fun of it all.  They still have two boys to go, but there is nothing like wedding reception when it is your daughter.   HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU TWO!
We had another cold, rainy day and I just went off to a movie and to Walmart........Didn't get much done.....

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Well......sad but true our summer has about slipped away and Fall is upon us.  It didn't just kinda rain and thunder and lightening today.....It did all three in a very big way......warning cold weather and winter aren't far off.  There were many flash floods and many people dead and missing down in southern Utah.  I didn't leave the house today......but had Relief Society Teachers this morning and the Stake Priesthood came by tonight.......never been visited by the Stake Presidency before but welcoming me into the new ward out here......very interesting evening.  Sherrie called, so nice to have at least one out of three of your kids remember you are alive.
Live is Amazing.......and it's awful.....and then it's amazing again.....and in between the amazing and the awful it's ordinary and mundane and routine......Breath in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.  That's just living heartbreaking, soul-healing , amazing, awful,......and a ordinary life......and we are all in it together.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


If you don't go to church because it's full of hypocrites.....Remember that the church is a hospital for sinners and not a museum of Saints!
If you left church to get away from hypocritical people, you should also quit your job, drop out of school, disconnect yourself from all your friends and family, lock yourself in your room while your at it......There will be flaws wherever there are humans.  We need to start seeing church for what it is; it is a hospital for the wounded and hurt people.  You will find messed up, conniving, calculating, imperfect individuals, including yourself .....As much as you want to deny it we all go for healing.  So if you felt betrayed by a fellow church member, put your nursing cap on and think of them as your patients......treat them with care, love and kindness despite their rudeness.
That little essay hit home for me.....I have started going to church again after a long time of staying away.....but now I really feel the need and have the desire to try and heal several things in my life......and yes we go to church for help from God.....not always the other people who go.  I have missed church the past two weeks, one week out of town and the other my granddaughter was here for the weekend.....but I will be looking forward to going next Sunday again.
Nicci and Bill here for the weekend......came in Thursday night late.  Friday came by to see my house and were doing tail gateing and the U football game that night.  They ran the 1/2 marathon....13.6 miles down the canyon and I went down to watch them come in.  That night a family party.  Sunday morning a fun birthday brunch for Nicci......turning 30.......and we all went over to see the house William just bought.....I think he is starting to grow up.  Patty came by.  The sweet neighbors called to invite me over for pizza tonight....but it was 8:00 and I was already in my P.J's........and time marches on!

Friday, September 11, 2015

NICCI'S HERE........

Yea.....Nicci and Bill are in town......only they weren't dressed like this!  They came in last night for a busy weekend.  Tonight it was tailgating and the U of U football game, tomorrow a marathon run down the canyon and home Sunday.  They did squeeze grammie in this morning to see my new house and give me some good hugs and we will do brunch Sunday at Pam's before they take off for home.   Have an early birthday for Nicci.....she will be 30 the 2nd of Oct.   Honestly, she is the cutest bubbly and Bill is so quiet.  Then beings I am sitting home Roland.......the property manager......came by to check my squeaky floor and cabinets that were in need of some help....Promised to send the carpet people and the cabinet people around next week and while I had him here.......I propositioned him.......if you will put in two more window grates I will forget you plugged into my electricity for 71 days to water the lawn.....HE SAID HE WOULD PUT THE GRATES IN MONDAY FOR ME!!!!!  Oh, the power of a woman!!!!
Then Patty called and said is the coffee pot on?.........I love having her drop in......... which is a couple of times a week......when she can't stand her house full any longer.....She left in time for me to watch Dr. Phil and the news and now I am about ready for bed!    GOOD DAY.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Isn't love all we want?  So do we give love?  The truth is all we want......but are we always truthful?  Don't we all want to be do we respect our family, friends and neighbors?  Kinda gives you something to thing about.
Are you a good neighbor or a bad neighbor?   I was gone four days and had several neighbors concerned.  It appears I had gone missing for a while, vanished, in hiding,  lost in the trees or abducted by aliens........I simply don 't stay home much in this good weather.  But where do we go......well I have had my eye appointment, my dermatologist, my dental check up and had to get my nails done and go to the bank and post office.......not to forget a little retail therapy now and then!  You know all those places not found in travel brochures, places to see lists, or that are crowded with chatty tourists from exotic lands.  I have had all that and now am more of hang around home, watch Dr. Phil and nap a little so when I am gone my neat neighbors get I do when I don't see lights on or see my neighbors coming and going as usual.  I am lucky to have good neighbors.
Nicci and Bill come in tonight for the weekend.  They will take in the U of U football game tomorrow night.......compete in a marathon Saturday and be off to Minneapolis on Sunday.....all to short for a long visit.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Well......I am learning to never say NEVER......just when I thought I was though with traveling ......the last two months I found myself spending a week in Lake Powell and this last weekend was a fun long weekend in Island Park, Idaho.  My favorite thing in life is seeing and doing something trying a Moscow Mule.......(not as good as the Duck Fart I had in Alaska)......and getting to visit Virginia City in Montana.
"This very much alive ghost town, Virginia City, frozen in time.  It is a remarkably well-preserved Old West Victorian gold mining town just 50 miles west of Yellowstone National Park.  When the gold ran out, there was still enough left so that homes and businesses were occupied, but there was not enough wealth to remodel the buildings.  So it froze, and now represents the whole Victorian era.  Virginia City is the true and original Old West.  It is a gem, held within an incredibly rich area of natural beauty, recreation and history." 
This place has "stay and play".......written all over it.   We had lunch and shopped a bit.......and it is just another fun first to add to my list of...."been there, done that's" 
I even found a new boy friend in Virginia City!!!!!

Monday, September 7, 2015


Nothing better than family to make your holidays great!....Early Friday Rob and Pam picked me up and we headed for their cabin in Island Park by West Yelllowstone.......Pam and I and the dogs hung out while Rob picked up a new truck.  Went down and had a fun dinner and met all Rob's fishing buddies.....Tiff, Scott and Aaron drove in very late to spend the weekend with us.  Saturday we took a driving trip up to Montana and visited two cute little towns.....First Ennis, a great fishing spot and on up to Virginia City which is a very well preserved old mining town......wooden sidewalks, many walk ins of the original little shops along the street, saloons, food places etc.   Could have spent a week there.....Did some shopping and had lunch and took this picture of the four generations in our family.....Me, Pam, Tiff and Aaron.  Life just gets better the longer you live!  Sunday the Hortons went golfing, Rob fishing and Pam and I tended Aaron. After a good dinner watched a movie, the kids hot tubed. Then the four day weekend ended and we drove home this afternoon.  So nice to spend time with my darling great-grandson.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


How very lucky to have such a great family to grow up in......I had a wonderful Mother,  a father who was always there for me and proud of my accomplishments......three little sisters.......and you can never have to many sisters who are always there for you and the frosting on top......a baby brother.  Yes, I remember how we fought when we were young, how I hated to always have to drag a little sister with me to the movie or up town to get the I was the oldest and had to baby sit a lot and set a good example for the younger ones........who really seemed to like me?  Yes I have some regrets on how I acted through these times......but somehow the folks understood and kept me around...As I look back over those years I see how I could have been a better me......but I guess I just trying to find my way and establish who I was.  Thank you God for all those good and bad times.....we were never rich, but we were never poor and our home was always full of love......which is really what makes a wonderful family grow.

I WISH........

MY MOM AND you ever wish you could go back say 70 years in your life for a day or two.  These are the two people who are responsible for where I am and who I am......more or less!  They were there for me from day one and every day after that until they died.....I knew they loved me, backed me and were proud of me......and all I wanted was to be like them and be loved by them......and have them be proud of me.  I was the oldest of five siblings and always seemed to have to be the perfect example for them.......and I am sure many times they got tired of hearing "Betty Ree didn't do that"!  Mom.....Hazel Marie Goff/Yeomans and Dad......Richard H. Yeomans (Dick) were the best of the best of parents, not only to their five children.......but the other half dozen kids that called them mom and lots of cousins that were always there.  As I look at my family and the three girls I raised......almost alone......I feel such a failure!!!!  At this time in my life when I need all their love and support I have one child that has walked away from the family.....hopefully she will return to the fold before I die!.......As the little saying on my fireplace says....."REMEMBER.....AS FAR AS ANYONE KNOWS......WE ARE A NICE RESPECTABLE FAMILY!"  Love you Mom and Dad.....