Tuesday, May 20, 2014


No, it doesn't come in a pill you can take, and it doesn't require a specialized blender, a single leaf of kale or any fancy new outfit.  The latest prescription for having good health is something almost all of us already have received----and used many times-----kindness. Kindness such a simple little word, with so much power and rewards......Researchers have found that good deeds as small as holding the door for a stranger or even to smile at someone lonely ..... can bring us  great benefits like lowered rates of depression, increase our self esteem and strengthen our immune system.  Remember what grandmother said..."Do unto others....."  Drop some money in a parking meter about to expire, buy the guy behind you coffee or pay for someone else's lunch.......These small deeds can even cause a ripple effect......which is passing on good feelings to others.  Make weaving kindness into every day life a habit and see how much better your days are......and your health.  The Dalai Lama said, "My religion is kindness."
This is a picture of my granddaughter Andrea who just went to India on a YMAD two week work project and she and the other young people found out the true meaning of kindness and came back lovin' life.
Tomorrow off to Vernal for the weekend and then a week in the Bahamas!!!  So guess my blogging will just have to wait....till I get home.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


 It would be terrible to grow old without having anything to look forward to........on some things aren't as fun as others.  This following gives you something to think about!
At age 4 Success is not peeing in your pants........At age 12 SUCCESS is having friends........At age 16 SUCCESS is having a drivers license.......At age 20 SUCCESS is having sex.....or NOT!......At age 35 SUCCESS is having money.........At age 50 SUCCESS is having money.......At age 60 SUCCESS is having sex.......At age 70 SUCCESS is having a drivers license......At age 75 SUCCESS is having friends......At age 80 it comes full circle and SUCCESS is not peeing in your pants........Well to those interested.....I am 82......I don't pee my pants.....I am still driving and have lots of friends and a little money and what's this word SEX????
Busy, busy day packing, doing laundry and enjoying this beautiful weather.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Wow.....I am at Karrie's helping her get ready for a party the next day with no big plans .....other than going to Vernal for a few days to watch my grandson graduate....when she gets a call from her twin sister saying....."I found a cheap vacation......a one weeks stay all inclusive including airfare....to the Bahamas...... and I am going without my family .....can you go?"  You have to know Sherrie.....she has been feeling neglected...... Darren and the 3 boys were off to the house boat in Lake Powell with the scouts for that week........ and she took care of the situation.. Karrie called to see if her husband could handle the two kids and dogs.......and I invited myself and we leave the day after I get home from Vernal.......Sooooo I have been hustling all day laying out clothes for two trips, laundry, making out lists and trying to remember how I did it in the "olden days" when I could be ready for a trip in a day!...  Every time I get ready to hang up my "DUNNROVIN'" sign I get out my suitcase and off I go.  I guess the kids will just have to bury it with me?????  I can't help if I have Gypsy blood...... Checked my passport and it is still good.....And this little picture made me think.........how can I lose 20 pounds in a week???.. Hope I can still get in my last years bathing suit......?.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I have been thinking about what I will leave to my kids and grandkids......and maybe someday.....some great-grandkids.  I love to write and have journaled  and blogged about my thoughts and life for many years.....I love to write and hope in my writings I have conveyed to my family how much I love them and what they mean to me......I am not a good writer and write for my own pleasure but I hope it shows.  Writing always makes me feel immortal----as if I am creating an extension of my life that nothing can destroy......It is exhilarating. Maybe someday down the road.......Someone will read some of my writings and say.....yes I remember Grammie saying that or doing that ....some days my back aches, my eyes blur and my poor arthritic fingers hit the wrong keys, but I am not going to quit writing......it is my salvation.  I doubt if the kids will remember my face as I age.....my wrinkled hands with age spots and funny growing things that just pop up and my thinning hair I keep dyed!!!  They will just remember I was fun, and happy and always up for a new experience and was there to support them along the way. And I can never tell them too often how much I love them....Te  Amo

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

GROWING UP........

This is my precious grandson......Alex Christenson......recently home from a two year mission in Brazil......he has grown up to be such a great "man"!  It's hard to get back to the real world after a mission......but Alex jumped back into helping his Dad......he got a chance to work 10 days for the Power company at a very good salary....so he jumped on it.  I found the following thoughts he wrote about his new job on face book, it is such a great thought to begin his new life with:
"I use to think that when you find an open door in your life it usually leads you to a better place......but, after twelve and a half hours of sitting on a plastic bucket in the cold I decided that this one wouldn't lead me any place better.....so that saying is crap."  
You can tell he has thought through the money isn't everything in life.....even though it helps.....but, bottom line is liking and enjoying what you do that is important.  Counting how many people come and go in the twelve hours through this door isn't too much of a future for a young man.....This is good advice for all of us.....all open doors don't necessarily lead to where you want to go in life.
"It doesn't really matter if your glass is half empty or half full.  Be thankful that you have a glass and that there is something in it."  If you had a bad day, don't worry.  We all have a reset button......it's called tomorrow.....

Monday, May 12, 2014


If you follow my blogs you will know I am big into the Philosophy of Wabi-Sabi!  Wabi-sabi-----the Japanese philosophy of accepting that...... since perfection does not exist, we shouldn't seek it, but instead find pleasure in things as they are----is proven to ease anxiety and boost joy! Always look for the principles in daily life.  For example, focus on Nature...... instead of creating a super complicated spring bouquet, wabi-sabi encourages you make a simple arrangement with just a few flowers as you would find them in the field........as nature created them.
Focus on friendship......enjoy time with friends is a big aspect of wabi-sabi....in part because it reminds you that the best things in life are free!  The Japanese even have a phrase to describe it.....ichigo ichie----which translates as "for this time only", meaning that every encounter with the people you're closest to is unique and should be enjoyed to the fullest.....Then focus on yourself!  Taking time for yourself and shutting out the din of the modern-day world-------Carve out a space of your own.....make it your place.....A place to flip through your favorite album..... snuggle your favorite pet..........listen to your favorite music.....they release the same feel-good chemicals.........
                                    'All my life, I  have wanted to lead people to an empathy space, to gratitude space. I want us each to be awake to our full potential, to find our calling, and to summon the courage to live it.  Imagine a world where we all life ourselves up, and then reach out and lift someone else.  And so together, we rise.'  OPRAH

Sunday, May 11, 2014


 What a wonderful Mother's Day.....Saturday night dinner at Chilies with the Cooks and Christensons........flowers and a pretty necklace.  Today I went to breakfast with the Pannier family to Little America, they gave me pretty blouse and dinner at five with the Cooks today so we could Skype Richard in Mexico and they gave me a pretty necklace......Tiff and Scott gave me a big bouquet of flowers....(oldest granddaughter).Talked to my sister who was really sick and no kids around....I hope she has a better Mother's Day next year!  These girls remind me I created 3 beautiful miracles!!!!!!
All religions declare, Motherhood is the "highest, holiest service assumed by humankind.  It's the definition of selfless service.  It's both a daunting responsibility and a glorious opportunity.  The divine role of motherhood is a gift from God, and key to his plan of happiness for his children"  Is infertility, then, a failure of faith?  A religious test?  A shirking of sacred responsibility.  Or are churches wrong to hold up motherhood as the apex of a woman's life?
Yes, this 57th Mother's Day of my life I am happy to have the labels of Teacher......chauffeur.......nurse......financial planner......juggler......short order cook......house keeper.....CEO......cheerleader.....but most of all Mother....Mom......mommie.....mama!  Thank you God, I am truly blessed.

Friday, May 9, 2014


My kids have no idea what it is like to have to go outdoors every time you had to go too the bathroom????  This picture brought back many memories of my days on the ranch.....rain or shine, hot or cold....when you had to go......you ran outside to the 'Out House'.   Ours was a two holer.....so my little sisters and I could go at the same time......my grandparents was also a two holer.  Toilet paper, as my kids know it, was expensive so much of the time you took the old Montgomery Wards or Sears Roebuck catalogues.....using up the soft pages first.....but also gave you something to do while you were  out there.  They would dig a deep hole and when it filled up.......they dig another hole and move the toilet itself to the hole and cover up the old hole.......but it was better than hiding behind a bush I guess.  Interesting....we never had any plumbing problems in those days!  This is where Wabi-Sabi comes in hand.....you can always find something good in every situation......
It sometimes takes a while to learn that whatever path you choose will have consequences.......The higher the path, the greater the pain; but the more satisfying the reward.  You alone can decide what will be written on your tombstone.  No one can walk your path.......Only you can create it one step at a time....More or less we are like the caterpillar who has chosen to become what they were always meant to be......a beautiful butterfly in flight.....BUT there are many who chose to stay a caterpillar and never reach up..........When I look at a picture of these "Saddle Shoes"........what do I think of?  Well, they helped me grow up.  Everyone wore them, but mostly mine were Brown and White ones.   We got one new pair of shoes every six months.  You changed out of the new ones to the old ones when you got home from school.......unless you had outgrown them, then they were passed down to the little sister.......always happy I was the oldest of four girls......and this saved the new ones longer for school and church.  We had a bottle of white shoe polish we cleaned them up with regularly......Oh yes, these shoes were made for walking.  Mother would put our foot on a piece of paper and draw around it and mail it to one of the catalogues and we counted the days till they arrived.....just like Christmas.
This little juke box in restaurants and drug stores were our source to the music of the day as these kids now days use their phones and IPADS we gathered around with our nickels to learn the latest songs.....Guess every generation has its hang ups......AND moving on to the 'wonderful plastic grapes' that every Mormon home in Utah had one.  Mine was a gold color my neighbor gave me for tending her baby once.  They seemed to be some kind of status symbol.  I was once asked if they had some significant to our Mormon Church by someone from out of town that said every home he was in had some.....kinda like the Book of Mormon I guess.  I loved mine and displayed them proudly when I was first married......did it make me feel connected and part of the group?  I wonder these many years later.  But I do know all these things were from the Land that made me...ME today.

Chapter 34.....around the world cont.

GUATEMALA is a beehive off movement, color, sounds and great shopping..........  Cathedral Metropolitana is the center piece of the busy town.......every big city in the world seems to start with a beautiful church.......I would love a dollar for every church I have checked out around the world in my travels. This church was one of the greatest....... Tikal is a big popular destination in Guatemala.  Traveling to Guatemala without visiting Tikal would be like going to Egypt and not seeing the Pyramids.  Tikal is a beautiful Mayan City-----it is located in the middle of one of Central America's largest rain forests.  If you enjoy old ruin with a lot of history......You will love it.  Guatemala is a warm, friendly place with much to see and do.  I would have loved more time there and a chance to enjoy their interesting culture and history.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


"It may be painful for us to see our children modifying or even rejecting ideas that were important to us and adopting others that could never be comfortable for us......But out of that difference may come the reinforcement of two other important values.......One is tolerance, and the other is awareness that people who disagree over the things they hold dear really can live together in love and respect....."
One father laments the short comings he sees in this generation.....for instance his college son who had to send a letter for some reason called his Dad with these questions.......Where could he get a stamp?.......Were there different kinds of stamps?........Well, then which one should he buy?.........How much would it cost?.......What should he physically do with the letter when it was finally ready to go?......The son was quite annoyed that the letter-mailing procedure was so complicated.......This is why this generation does not send letters......they text or email instead......Which means pretty much that all you get in the mail these days is bills and big wads of advertising crap that you immediately throw away......
Every day I get the newspaper ......which for you younger people, is a paper with news written on it.  I do the Suduko and check the obituaries to see how many of the day's deceased were younger than I am......on a good morning most of the are older than me.!  This new generation read the head lines on their cell phone or not at all......Soon there will be no more post offices or newspaper! Oh, for the good ole' days.........
Cold rainy day in Salt Lake today.......Off to dinner with Pat and David tonight.......

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Thank you GOD for friends.....Today a dear friend dropped by for coffee and we had a very good talk.......I honestly don't know how she gets through the day with all the confusion of her life.......and I am more than happy to listen .......which is about all I can do!
"Success isn't something for a select few......It's for each of us......Success doesn't require reservations, front-row seats, first-class tickets or an exclusive invitation.......It's open to all and your dreams don't need money or magic to come true.......they just need you." Success to each of us looks different.  When I was going through my divorce I wrote a poem that was from my broken heart and sent it out as a Christmas Card to my friends......it started the healing process.......in 1986......I am glad to report "Things happen for a reason.....just believe.".....I have a great life!.
           Friends......thank you God for friends,......So may times a day, I fold my arms and say, Thank you God for Friends.
When things go wrong and they sometimes do, Perhaps someone you love is taken from you.......You dread the long lonesome hours of night.....That must come before you welcome the light.
When tears push hard and pain shows through......Who else but friends will see you through.....The ones you  know, the ones who care......The ones you know will always be there.
I hurt, I ache with unknown pain......An inner scare that will always remain.....True friends are sent from God above......To heal my pain with their tender love.
The friends like magic just appear.....Some you haven't heard from in many a year......With a card, a call or just be there......Saying," we heard and hey, we care"
We understand your loss and pain......We're not here to accuse or to blame......We're your friends and we're here because......We know the pain of death, no matter the cause.
I bow my head and say a prayer......Oh, thank you God for people who care......Their love reaches out from far and near, Almost like a sigh......When I hurt, they hurt......When I cry , they cry.
I know a new chapter in life begins tomorrow......So away with the hurt, the pain and the sorrow.....Many things await for me to do......The past 30 years I've done so few.
Yes, the children are darling, the dogs are too.......The grandchildren have a way of seeing you through....I say to myself, I'm not dead......I have a long life left, many chapters ahead.
There are places to go and people to meet.....Life's a bowl of cherries so let me eat......I know in my heart as I go along......My family and friends are my real life's song.
I also know nothing is fun alone, life is meant to share.......I know how lucky I really am, with so many people who care....My only hope is that I too can be......The same kind of friend if you need me.
So God, let the rest of my days on earth......Be a reminder of the reason of my birth.....To give of my love to the very end.....May I never miss a chance to be a real friend.
I guess there is one thing that I have learned......Money doesn't buy friends, they are earned........By the time and the love that you give.....True friends are a life time record of how you live.
Now each in his own way reaches out to you.......How could I think my friends were so few......I know in my heart at the Rainbow's end......I won't find a pot of gold......but you my friend!
You can't have too many friends!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

CHAPTER 33....around te world cont.

 Enjoyed the little country of BELGIUM......... with Bev and Wood......Don and I had picked up a new Mercedes and we were driving through Europe......The boys were interested in the part where the WORLD WAR had taken place........Belgium is a very diverse country......there are many nationalities that live here.....Italy, France ,and  Spain are about 65% of the population with many Moroccans and Turks also.  The architecture is very interesting......a combination of many countries......not a terribly rich country but has a lot of good history.  Didn't get to spend too much time there......but added another country to my list!


I don't care how hard you try you, being the MOM,  cannot make everyone happy.......at the time it is very frustrating and discouraging.......and so tempting to give up at times.....but don't!  'This too will pass'.....Is the best way to look at it.  So one day you realize you will never please everyone  so you decide to make yourself happy........As we approach Mother's Day and I look back over my 'mommy' years......more than once I had someone mad at me for whatever reason......but as the years passed and the 3 girls have become 'mommies' they are experiencing some of these same feelings. I can only tell them to be the soft place their have to fall and always be there for them and the kids will surprise them and grow up to be the wonderful people they were meant to be......thanks to their MOTHERS!
"Every baby is born to do something great.....whether it is making you laugh, living their dream or charming the world......But they can't do it alone......It takes a village to raise a child!" ......It starts with a god MOM AND DAD, grandparents, neighbors and friends.  But a child's best friend should always be Mom.  Next Sunday is Mother's Day.....Nationally celebrated for a reason.  A child born with a loving, kind, good and honest mother who loves her child unconditionally is the luckiest person in the world......Thank your Mom on this Mother's .Day.
There  is only two tools folks need to raise a family ....WD-40 an Duct Tape.......If it doesn't move and should, use WD-40......If it moves and shouldn't, Use Duct Tape.........and Oh Yes, a glue gun can fill in now and then.

Monday, May 5, 2014


 Thinking of my sweet missionary in Mexico ........Bet he is seeing some real Cinco De Mayo celebrating!   He did take out a little time to write the family.  Sherrie and Ken stayed all night and ken had his speech appointment and Sherrie had her cancer removed and then we were off to the Cheese Cake Factory for a Mother's Day lunch with Karrie.......and of course we ended up at T. J. Maxx to do a little shopping!!!!!  I got a suitcase for Brayden for his high school graduation. It was a nice warm day but rain is forecast for a couple of days.
Beings it is spring I am anxious to plant and grow some things......like flowers and vegetables, but I like to think we should be growing "OTHER THINGS TOO"......every day  of our lives.  We can grow happiness......grow change....grow love....grow inner piece and I might add......the potting soil of the above all begin with "LOVE"......

Sunday, May 4, 2014


I have learned in my many years "Not to Cry because it is over......smile because it happened."  For instance......my constant traveling around the world is now over.....I can't be sad......I just have to be happy I was fortunate enough to have it happen!
I do have much to look forward to......my life built on traditions handed down for generations has been greatly enhanced in recent years by many technological advances that allow me to create.... to communicate and to record memories innovative and unimagined ways.  My daily blog is a wonderful example of this.......I can write or tell a story and accompany it with a picture of the family or person I am talking about or a saying that further  compliments it.
Thinking back.....I kinda drug my feet on being an "early adopter" of new techniques, but thanks to a wonderful family they would have no part of my not being totally emerged in the new tech area.  Sooooo, I was thoroughly schooled on the computer by a granddaughter who lived with me and a neat son-in-law who bailed me out numerous times after she moved out. I began emailing, facebooking and blogging regularly....  Cell phone.....oh please.....did not hold water and now I have a cell phone and can text the family and receive their urgent requests and latest pictures......and love it!  A kindle.....with a book available at all times and especially love the games I play regularly......With my digital camera I can kinda work...... I was launched.......and then at Christmas here comes the IPAD.  But, you will be glad to hear......and I am glad to report.....it is a constant companion with my list of phone numbers and contacts......the news......the weather......music......Instagram......Facebook....Pinterest .........mail......dictionary......kindle.....camera......photos....games......really it is just a magic little handful and I can't imagine my life without it.........even though I still don't understand "THE CLOUD THINGY".  The family thinks I should up-date my 12 going on 13 year old Toyoto because it hasn't got all those buttons and gadgets of the new cars but this is where I am holding fast.....no more car payments!  But I am so happy I had a family that didn't take my "no, I don't need that" seriously and bought me.....and taught me......how to keep up with them.....KINDA!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I wonder if they have Chinese McDonalds?  It would have had snake instead of hamburger probably.......Maybe I should leave Oriental Food to others and stick to Oriental Wisdom.
What are three things that cannot be long hidden?......The Sun......The Moon......and the Truth.  These 3 words make you stop and think.....how true they really are......one way or another you can not hide the truth.
A funky one is:  If at first you don't succeed......Then sky diving, definitely isn't for you.......
Life is 10% what happens to you AND 90% of how you react to it.  I wish you could learn this when you are young but it takes a few heart aches to learn it.......
There is neither happiness nor misery in the world.......There is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more.  This is where the important free agency of choice comes into our lives......you can choose which of these to make your world.
You don't get to choose how your going to die......or WHEN.  You can only decide how you're going to live...........NOW!
Courage is fear that has said it's prayers..........
Been a busy day putting away everything from my party yesterday......getting back to normal feels good.  It takes a week to get things ready for bridge and a week to get back to normal