Sunday, November 28, 2021


Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday......I would gladly settle for a McDonalds Happy Meal with extra fry sauce....but for so many they insist on turkey.....I went to the Golden Correll with my neighbors and her do they eat! was packed but very reasonable....Pam and Bree flew back to spend 10 days with Rob in Detroit.....and the twins were in St I was alone.  Mike called to be sure I wasn't alone...such a sweet guy.  The day before Darren came by with a humungus poensetta....I was furious because he had been such AH the week before over my phone transfer....and just expected to buy his way back in....I didn't give it to him....and was sorry.......I tried to give the plant to all the neighbors......but no one wants it.....they know his history .......Took the turkeys down and plan to put up the tree this week....and the holidays are upon us.......


DAY BY DAY.......

As I look back over this year.....we added another baby and a half.....but it has been a very unproductive year for me.....I keep fighting off arthritis...but it is wearing me down.....Seems a lot of hurt and heart ache in the family and neighborhood....cancer...divorce....bad health for many......and then there is Biden and the country going to pot! We are having strange weather for November......cold but no snow.....2 more days and December is upon us......As usual a very quiet Sunday.....Pam and Sherrie did call me......Pam said they got snow and it was cold.....Sher had had lunch with Libby and Olivia......
Patty came over caught up on our lives....she does not feel good either..... I got my Christmas wrapped and I am ready for the big day almost......need a couple more gifts and I will be done.


Sunday, November 21, 2021


I feel so sorry for people without sisters.....I was so lucky....  I had three.....two are gone....but I dearly love and enjoy the one I have left.  Leslie has been through so much this last year....broke her hip....two operations....knee and ankle problems and constant pain...but she doesn't give up she just keeps pushing on.  She, Mike and Kristy came and got me yesterday and we had  a nice lunch together and a couple hours visit .....she called awhile ago and is safely home in Mesquite.
Wish we lived closer to each other.
Had lunch with Cleon and a visit here with Patty......thankgoodness for old friends.  I try not watch much news.....Biden is throwing our country away and it frustrates me! I need to get busy and wrap my Christmas presents......  done shopping thankgoodness.   Need to get a buster shot and many of us still wearing masks.


Sunday morning.....another weekend rolls I heard a good talk on GRATITUDE.....
Every morning in my prayers I thank God for another day on this great earth.....for my family and neighbors.....They suggested a gratitude journal to write down every day something you are thankful for.....I am thankful for so many things I don't know where to begin.....My nice home....three beautiful daughters that are so helpful and nine grand kids I adore.....some are very caring .....others not so much.....but I love them all. My neighbors are so caring and keep me going....I am greatful for things like my husband walking out 36 years ago...hard at first....but led to a wonderful life and I am happy Darrren walked out...Sherrie and the boys deserve better....I have arthritis but I could have many things worse......Yes....I am truly greatful for so much.


Friday, November 19, 2021


On holidays you always think about your family.....Mom made these times so fun....I use to, but the family is grown and have their own celebrations ......I got some great news today....Ashlyn is having "A BOY".....Now Sherrie will have a boy and a girl to be a grandma too....and I will have 6 great-grand children!....Met Cleon for nice to have good friends.....did laundry and put the house back together after the party....Leslie may be up for lunch tomorrow.....HOPE SO.  Got the car inspected and transferred money to pay my house taxes...$3,000.oo.....keep going up.  It is cold and rainy.....but no snow so far......and another weekend already......



We had an early Thanksgiving on Wedneday.......
Sherrie set up a little dinner at my house with Bray and Libby as she is off to St Thomas with the Cooks for the holiday.....she had a dinner with Alex and Ashlyn before she left Vernal.....Ken and I set the table for five.....soon Sher called and said Pam,,,,Scottie....and his girl friend Holly wanted to Ken and I set three more places at the table......When Sher arrived with the food from the Cheese Cake Factory.....she informs us the Cook's decided to come and would pick up their own our little dinner had grown to we unset the table .....put in another leaf.....set the table again.....and Yea a fun group for Thanksgiving.....if I had of known I was having a big party I WOULD HAVE PUT ON SOME EAR RINGS....and dressed up!  But,,,,it turned out to be such a fun evening.....Sherrie, Scottie, Ken and Anna were catching the 11:00 red eye for St. Thomas....I have no idea what I am doing on Turkey day...Pam is off to Detroit to be with Rob.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Well......last week was full of angry people....three days in a row we went to Verison to get my phone tranferred from the Christenson's family account....Darren requested the Cook's....but Darren was needed to make it happen.....but he was a real AH and it took three days with Karrie and Richie working on it and costing a lot of money we were stuck buying some one elses phone...thanks Darren. The fourth day I had to run into Verison to have them show me how to turn off the flash light....uggh! and then Friday to transfer the old phone into the new....who would of thought getting your phone changed would be such a problem....
Then my sweet neighbor was told she had stomach cancer....only a few days later to find after her mamogram she has breast cancer....2 different cancers at the same time.....she is devastated.  Talked to another good friend this morning and one of her sons is in the hospital and they aren't sure why.....Everyone you talk to has some cross to bare.  Would love some good news now and then......Well Leslie said she would be up Saturday and take me to lunch.Yea.....good news!



Well.....I made the extra effort needed.....and packed my bag and spent the weekend in St. George with Pam.....and so glad I did....we had a great time.  Left Thursday after got there in time for a movie and bed.....Friday and Saturday were go go nap time for me.  Friday we shopped  T J Maxx....had lunch....appointment at Verison to get my new phone transfered over and then off to a movie.....home to let Bree out and eat some dinner.....and two movies.....Saturday....a lazy morning and then off to one of my favorite places...the CRACKER BARREL for brunch and shopping....found a cute cape I could not live wthout....then off to Mesquite to hit their giganic liquer store so Pam could get her holiday supply and then off to gamble a  couple of hours.......the poker nickel slot is all I can handle.....and then I had to keep asking the person next to me......"what do I do now".....?Trying to keep up with my computer.....learn a new phone.....AND learn to gamble on a slot bout wore me out.....old people do not catch on to I didn't win!!!!.... We grabbed a pizza for dinner and watched a movie...and I had  nice chat with Mike Mendosa......We had a nice ride home Sunday....and I took a nap!


Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Another week end looms close....Pam invited me to go to St. George with her for the weekend....she has the Pannier House this week and she and Bree were just going to get away....I really would like to...but every  thing is such an effort when you hurt.....I could see Leslie on some shopping and enjoy the sun!!! so may try and push foreward.....
Rained all day so spent the day on the heating pad....not looking forward to winter snow..I love this little prayer....
Patty came over yesterday for our therapy session......Scottie and I went to Chilies last night for dinner....and had such a good talk...I am so happy he is cancer free....the last 8 months have been hell for him......and his parents.  We both agree....THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON......JUST BELIEVE!
Got my Christmas shopping to get it wrapped! 



So many thngs are marriage!
We are all sucked up in Sher's divorce...wanting to help but not sure how...Darren has turned into a real devil....trying to get my phone transferred from his account to Karrie's...met at verison twice with Richie and Brayden and Karrie aand Scott....still no phone...guess I will have to change my number in order to move on...God will make him pay....Brayden is trying to play it down the middle......some times it doesn't work.....he wants both parents in his life and his baby's ....he may end up with neither....Karrie and Pam have been her go tos.....she tells me little....She doesn't understand...."I have been there....done that"..... 37 years ago! She is strong and will make him regret it someday......

Saturday, November 6, 2021


Each day of your life is a step forward.....into your future......enjoy each step.  As you watch your friends....and family.....move forward with good families....successful careers and buusinesses....while you feel  like your own life feels like a piece of luggage left behind on an airport conveyor belt......going round and round.....waiting to be picked up for its next aventure.....I have finally figured out our life's purpose is not a one-stop is worked out along the way.....The journey itself is the most essential part.....because that is where the endless choices exist that lead us to where we are going and the story we're going to tell with our lives....and nothing is permanet....
Sherrie finally called....been a week!  She and Alex been busy setting up a new office for the apartments.....Darren really being an ass hole to her and the kids....I know I won't live long enough to see how or what happens to him and his millions...but God has a way of being sure "what goes round....comes round"...and he will die a sick lonely old man some day!
Starting to get my Christmas stuff organized.....through shopping.


Thursday, November 4, 2021


I know these last couple of years have been I think I know why......they have become my WONDER YEARS!  I also wonder why a lot.....why all these bad things keep happening to the people I love in my family.....why the country is going to pot......why getting old changes so many things in your life?
Here we are the 4th day of a new month already.....and I have not written since Halloween night.  It was a fairly quiet evening...a day early with about 15 kids....didn't even turn on the lights Sunday night......which wa Halloween.  Monday was house cleaning day.....don't get much done that day each month.....but love having them....THANK YOU KARRIE.
Tuesday....Patty came for our weekly therapy session?....did some laundry and washed my hair.......
Wednesday....Karrie , Scottie and Richie and I......went to lunch and to get a new phone switched to the Cook family since the Christensons have parted ways......but one of them had to be there to make it happen....and they weren' later.
Today Pam took me to see the Lawyer and pick up my WILL he was redoing for me....updating it......we had lunch and then stoppd to check on my cemitary plot at Wasatch Lawn....guess if Don dies first Tony could try and plant him there.....but I would have to sign....and I won't....any way Don wanted to be buried in Huntsville with his parents where there are 8 plots available...but knowing Tony there will be a fight....
Tomorrow....Friday....and another week gone by.....PAM off to St George to stay with some friends and Karrie is in New York.....busy family.  Just me and Bree again!
We "fall back" Saturday and change our clocks an hour....such a pain.