Saturday, September 1, 2018


Well Maxine and I have the same question.....The first of September.....Labor Day is Monday and that tells us the hills will start turning orange, yellow and red soon.  I am not ready....but nobody asked me.  Well....all my thoughts have one thing in common.....They are all my thoughts!  Whether I deserve it or not....I give myself another chance every day......And the way I look at it....I might not always be right?.....But I am never wrong!
Busy....but not.  I slept in as Ken went to Lake Powell.....sewed my neighbors pants for him.....ordered a new blog book and made out all my bills......ran to the post office and dropped them off.......then have done two batches of laundry......ready to get into my PJ'S but still light. Very quiet day ......have not heard from anyone!!!!

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