Saturday, September 1, 2018


I am trying so hard to put my faith in  God that I am on the right track in my life.....As all mothers do.......well, most.....your whole life is your family.  As I go from day to day trying to understand mine......I am beginning to see having your children 11 years apart is not good.....I have one family that almost totally ignores the two younger families.....The older three are not religious and seem to think the twins are kinda "below" them.  The girls are very religious and no partying with different values.  The last 6 grandkids are all close to the same age, been on missions etc......Have a lot in common .
I have a wedding coming up next weekend with the oldest grandson.....who has known this girl 10 years and lived with her five and are having a big fancy wedding in Park City.....cousins not included......which I am sure did not bother any of them.....This will be my 8th wedding for my nine grandkids......two divorced already.....but one just had a second marriage......and I still have three single grandsons! ....(make a good math problem).......It is like I am in two different families.....I know because of me they have tried to keep some family traditions.....but this year I said.....everyone is on their own and I will take turns on Christmas and Thanksgivings.  One family doesn't speak to any of us so that cuts it down to two families......Have the two great-grandkids.....but only seen the one once so can spoil the other one.
If you don't like each other here on earth.....why would you want to be sealed to some of them forever????  At this point in my life.....I am just trusting God will lead me through it.

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