Thursday, September 13, 2018


After a great weekend......I contemplate my life.....No, I didn't lose someone I loved and will miss....No, I wasn't just diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.....No, I must learn to see things different in my life and be very happy for what I have......Sometimes we get locked in....."I never thought of it that way".....never enters our minds.  Bad things are not fun.....but you can tell yourself....Don't be sad it is over.....just be glad it happened.....and think of all the good things it brought you.
What if you were willing to see your whole life differently?  "What if you could see everything you have been through, everything you have stood up to.  Every time you have fallen and rebounded, every curve ball you were thrown and caught?  Every time you were disappointed and did not stoop to despair.....Every victory and every chance.....and appreciate the fact your still here.....still standing.....and still have the will to keep trying for a better life?"
Just be willing to see things for what they are....and what they can be.
Now and then I have to give myself a good talking to about life.......

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