Tuesday, September 18, 2018


The lament of all us old folks......but thank goodness my place is only three years old and our trees are still itty bitty things with few leaves.....but do feel Fall is upon us.  Utah has two big fires raging and the air is terrible.  And the sad news is in the Carolina's with the terrible hurricane and flooding......don't know what is happening to our world......
Went to bridge last week for the first time in two months.....only to find one of our group has stage 4 colon cancer.....Florence Bertnole....so sad.  We have lost so many wonderful friends to cancer.  Saturday was busy doing catch up chores.....Ken off to a movie with his Grandma Kay....Sunday church and had Brayden and Libby over for dinner....also seemed to be 'Visit Betty Day"...After church Patty came for coffee.....before dinner Gay came over for half hour and after dinner another neighbor came for an hour......her husband is in a home for dimension and she is having a really had time adjusting.  Love my neighbors.

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