Saturday, September 22, 2018


I can vouch for that!!!!
I have been there done that....and with sad heart watched my kids and grandkids experience it.....But moving we all do.  Ken off to Vernal for the weekend so pretty quiet...Coffee at Patty's yesterday and today I made myself get up and go garage shopping with my two favorite usual found a couple of treasures!!!  Knitted on Ashlyn's Christmas sox and snuck in a little nap.
They are putting a top sealing on our streets and our section will be Mon and Tues so need to park my car out on the street where I can get to it Monday......a mess...but a must!
I am not ready for cold was so beautiful......I did break down and put out some Halloween decorations.....why not????  They stores have had theirs out for a month?  Decided to fence my back yard...will be nicer this winter for GIGI......don't know what it will cost yet.  The garden my neighbor planted on my property has gone wild with tomatoes and squash....we are giving it away to all the neighbors......and I am cucumbered out!!!!

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