Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I am so happy I was not an orphan.....that I had a mother and father that loved me....grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.....and I always loved the stories they told about each other......I am very proud of my heritage.....I always loved my name Yeomans and that I am 99,9% British.....DNA.
I was reading the 6 ethics of life.
Before you pray......BELIEVE!  (Why would you pray if you didn't believe?)
Before you speak.......LISTEN!  (To often we never listen?)
Before you spend......EARN!  (We are all guilty in this one?)
Before you write......THINK!  (Yep, my sister and I have been discussing this one?)
Before you quit.....TRY!  (Easier said than done?)
Before you die.....LIVE!  (Such a wonderful thought?  Do it before it is too late?)
Don't you hate it when someone asks you what you are doing tomorrow presuming you know what day of the week it is????

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