Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Ken's life is slowey changing as he is growing into a grown up......He seems to be enjoying his college days.....Mon,Wed, Fri classes with an hour commute on the Front Runner tracks....both ways.  We need to find him a job for Tuesdays and Thursdays or maybe weekends.  I noticed before church he hadn't shaved.....ME...."Are you growing a beard?"........KEN......"Maybe".....I guess that is what you do when you go away to college......Most of Ken's answers to your questions are.....maybe, I am working on it.....whatever.....I"m not sure.......You never get a real yes or no.....keeps me guessing!!! I love having Ken live with me and he does so many little things around the house that mean a lot.  I plan to keep a little record of Ken in my blogging for him to look back on some day........

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