Monday, August 1, 2016


 I just have to stop today and count some of my many blessings.......this little guy on the top of my list.....I have lived long enough to see a great-grandson who is adorable......I add him to my list of 6 grandsons whom I adore.  For some unknown reason I have been chosen by God to help my sweet Kennedy along the road of his life.....I hope I can be understanding, helpful and loving in helping him with his mission and to be all he can be in this life he was given......I am excited to try to be there for him always.  I know he has the potential, but needs the guideness and confidence.  God will see us through.
My fire alarm has decided it needed a new battery so as usual....."I HEAD FOR THE HILLS"......well the Hills are my dearest neighbors who are always there for me.....I gave them a call and soon Ivan was here with his tall ladder.....went out and bought a new battery and I can sleep again.....It was in my bedroom. The Hills are my new blessings.
I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with my sweet Christenson family......I love their friends and neighbors and my 3 grandsons and Alex's wife, Lindsay.  I had a nice talk and ride home with Darren's father whom I am fond of and my X rode in the back seat with GIGI my dog.....and we have become good friends again after 30 years of divorce.  I have decided you cannot live in the just have to jump into today with both feet and go for it.  I have so many more blessings and know how lucky I am to have come from such a good family, and have my own family that most of them love me and are always there to take care of me...... Pam came by and we had a good visit.....I always look forward to her dropping in,  It was a 100 degrees again today.....WQW!

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