Saturday, August 6, 2016


I am the mother of 3 daughters......but I have found all daughters are not the same!!!!
I never thought I'd be the kind of person who would get up early in the morning to exercise.....I was right!  I am finding out more and more about myself the longer I live..........
I am trying to learn to make the NOW the primary focus of my life......
I have to realize that the present moment is all I will ever will always be paying brief visits to your past and future, but I need to say "yes" more often to the present moment.....I cannot oppose life itself and it is happening all around me and will go on with or without me......If I can surrender to "what is" I will see how life suddenly starts working for me and not against me.  Think about this......Are you always trying to get somewhere other than where you are?.....Is most of your doing just a means to an end?.....Is fulfillment always just around the corner or confined to short-lived pleasures such as sex, food, drink, drugs or thrills and excitement?.....Are you always focused on becoming, achieving, and attaining, or alternatively chasing some new thrill, idea or pleasure?.....Do you believe that if you acquire more things you will become more fulfilled, good enough, or psychologically complete?......Are you waiting for someone else to give your life meaning?......These are serious things to consider in making your life all it can be.  I am afraid I am guilty of much of this and need to just get up every morning and count my blessings......

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