Monday, August 15, 2016

BIG DAY..........

Today we launched Kennedy on his mission at Temple Square for the Church's Publishing Department.......but it seems it didn't go so well ........but tomorrow is another day and they hope to get everything straightened out!!!!!  Somewhere between Vernal's Bishopric and Temple Square no one seemed to know what was going on! kinda a lost day......with a mad and crying mother!!!!!  "It is.....what it is?"
Also it is my granddaughter Andrea's 21st birthday.........AND
I went to the padiatrist and found I have hammer toes on each foot they are part of my unbalance and no arthritis thankgoodness because that is what my father had in his feet......Pam took me in and has an appointment with the same doctor in two weeks.....but feels she found out what was wrong with her without going back.....her feet are like mine!
Ken has moved in and I guess I am now his missionary companion?????
Hope tomorrow is a better day.........

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