Friday, August 26, 2016


Well finally a minute to catch up with my life......Ken has had one week in his mission assignment and we are so proud of him......He likes the Postal Assignment and has caught on to getting down to Temple Square and home on the tracks alone .......and driving home to Grams.  He is a great helper with the dishes and garbage, washing my car etc......and so nice to have the company.....I am trying to be a good missionary companion for him.....We listen to the scriptures in the morning while we eat breakfast.....then study them in a work book he has in the our morning and evening prayers.....we take turns!!!....and I didn't even have to spend two months in the MTC to get the assignment!
Pam came over with Aaron this morning to help me look for my lost set of keys.....I know I got home with them because my car is in the garage......I have another set for the car and house but only one for the mail box???? Very frustrating but it could be could be my purse with all my credit cards in to be thankful for something.
Fun friend Patty came by for a couple of hours......always makes my day.  Sherrie was here to help Ken get started the first three days of the week.....then I had bridge Wednesday and the friends here for Mexican Train yesterday plus my Relief Society teachers .......been a full week for me.
I told my doctor the other day I am always exhausted and she just kinda looked at me with......well you are old.....look.

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