Tuesday, August 23, 2016


My new roommate and I are settling in.......This week is going better and he seems to be enjoying the postal assignment rather than the original publishing assignment we thought he would have......"things happen for a reason.....just believe"......He helps sort all the church mail each day and is working with a lot of nice people.   Sherrie is still here for another day to be sure things are working out.....but Darren had to get back to Vernal to put out the fires there.......Oh for the life of young kids.  I just keep praying I am up to guide and direct Ken and be a good influence to help him handle what is ahead in his life.......so much evil in this world........
Patty came by and we spent a couple of hours trying to solve the problems of the world over coffee....don't know what I would do without her.  Talked to my sweet sister and cousin and seems family help you stay on track.   I have bridge tomorrow and the next day Mexican Train here ......so a busy week in all..  Things are cooling down and you can almost feel Fall around the corner........

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