Wednesday, July 27, 2016


As I watch my grandson and his friend step out into the world of the unknown at such an early age......I know their life will always be good things.  Too many of us want to stay in our comfort zone and many people......right here in Utah .......have not even been out of our state.  These two just took off for the unknown in Ghana and of course there is always a culture wake them up....but they learn so much.   I have another grandson who will soon be heading to Ireland and Helsinki on an adventure.......DO IT.....I say.
"Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of all possibilities......In your willingness to step into the unknown, you will have the wisdom of uncertainty factored in.....This means that in every moment of your life, you will have excitement, adventure, mystery.....You will experience the fun of life....the magic, the celebration, thee exhilaration and the exultation of your own spirit."
I know that feeling......I have been there....done that.
Off to Vernal tomorrow for Ken's missionary farewell so no blogs for a few days.

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