Tuesday, July 26, 2016


      I believe my house is haunted......Every time I look in the mirror, a crazy old lady stands in front of me so I can't see my reflection???
     The big 24th of July just passed......and very quietly as all my friends are worse off than I am and we didn't have the energy, desire or something to face the heat and crowds to view the parade or watch the fireworks this year.
     My kids were all out of town......but my sweet grand-daughter and great-grandson came to visit.....I feel so sorry for people without family who care about you.  Tiff worked on my sick computer, but gave up and called in baby brother to bail me out......My sweet grandson Will came over after work and gave it a good going over and at least now I can do my blog.....still struggling with email and Facebook.  I did remind Will of the couple of times he called me to come over to Olympus Hi and get in line for his football gear as I knew the coach very well and it worked!!!!  That's what Grammies are for........
     Today has been a very busy day as I started off early .....had to take GIGI in for her shots, then my grandson from Vernal wanted to meet me for lunch and show me his pictures of Ghana and gave me a great wooden carving he brought back for me.....so special.  Then to the bank, Cyprus Credit Union and home in time for good friend Patty to drop by for coffee.  Probably sleep good tonight.
      Sherrie called and wants me to ride out Friday with her for Ken's Fairwell......and hopefully I can get a ride home with Grandpa Bud on Sunday.....can't leave my plants to long in this 100 degree weather.

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