Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I thought it was a great Fourth of July.......but a very quiet one!  I am finding as I add the years......less seems to be more........A movie with friends, a nice Mexican lunch......then a break to feed the gold fish and let my dog out.......then back to Shirleys for a good game of Mexican Train......I think I beat the chickens to bed last night.
I am not much for the fireworks this year but loved seeing our American Flag every where......It was born in Philadelphia on June 14, 1772.......the flag of the United States of America symbolizes the patriotic ideals of a nation ....."conceived in liberty"......and admired around he world.......From dawn's early light to the twilight's last gleaming, you will be proud to display.....'OLD GLORY".....;long may it wave.
As you jump out of bed each day.......JUMP INTO THE NOW.........as NOW is all we have.....so enjoy it.  Our life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets......So love the people who treat you right.....forgive the ones who don't and believe every thing happens for a reason.......don't even try to figure out the reason......just live in the moment and enjoy.

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