Friday, January 8, 2016


Another weekend and another snow storm......I woke up to my sweet son-in-law snow blowing my driveway this morning. I am really blessed......if he hadn't done it my sweet neighbor would thanks to many wonderful people. Sherrie is dropping Ken off tonight on their way to the airport ......they stay at the Hilton and leave the car there and take the shuttle to the airport early in the morning......Alex and Lindsay will be staying over night also and then we all will go to Vernal tomorrow for a week while the kids are on vacation.......Just Ken and Gram and the dogs.
        So today I say thank you God as I looked around and saw not what I wanted to get, but what I already have.....I sometimes forget that I have been blessed indeed, not always with the things I thought I had to have, but with the things that you knew I would really need.  Health, family, friends.....the important things in life......aren't things!

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