Monday, January 25, 2016


THREE.....YES, many things come in three....these are my Cook grandchildren.....Scott, Andrea and Richard at Andrea's wedding in August.  Any one would be happy to claim such great kids.
I also saw some fun things three's.
3 things in life that once gone  never come back:......Time, Words and Opportunities 
3 things in life that can destroy a person:.....Anger, Pride and Unforgiveness.
3 things in Life that are never certain.....Fortune, Success and Dreams..
3 things in Life that make a person:.....Commitment, Sincerity and Hard work.
3 things in Life you should never lose.....Hope, Peace and Honesty.
3 things in Life most valuable;.....Love, Kindness and Family and Friends.
3 things in Life that are truly constant:......Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
When you stop and think about these things it would be hard to argue with them.  Three nice things that happened to me today;......Pam came over and brought up my card table and chairs for bridge, Patty dropped by for coffee (hadn't seen her for two weeks.....I went to Vernal and she went to visit her sister in Phoenix!) and my sweet Sherrie called me from Vernal.......Nice day.

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