Saturday, January 23, 2016

LET'S BE HONEST...........

While we are being honest I would like to say......I'm done with winter!  It is raining and forecast to turn into a pretty hefty snow storm by morning.......NOT like they are getting back east  with several feet of snow......just several inches. I did run and do all my chores this morning and tomorrow is Sunday with Stake Conference I can miss.  Not getting a lot done but enjoying life.
A Minister told his congregation ....."next week I plan to preach about the sin of help you understand my sermon better, I want you all to read Mark 17".......The following Sunday as he prepared to deliver his sermon.....the Minister ask for a show of hands.....he wanted to know how many had read Mark 17........every hand went up....the Minister smiled and said....."Mark has only 16 chapters.....I will now proceed with my sermon on the Sin Of Lying".......Yah, I'd probably put my hand up, but I think I have learned a lesson from this little least check it out before you commit!  Why are people so human?
If you can't do anything about it then LET IT GO!  Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change.......I may change my will........... as bad behavior should not be rewarded.........

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