Sunday, January 17, 2016


Been a fun 10 days keeping an eye on Kennedy while Sherrie went on vacation, but looking forward to seeing her this afternoon.......You always worry something will happen to the children, they will get sick or hurt....or the dog run away!  Had a good 10 days with no problems.  I will head back home tomorrow.
When one drab, humdrum day follows the next with tedious monotony and it seems as if your life has no meaning or purpose, it is easy to develop the attitude that nothing in life is worthwhile.  Life must have purpose if you are to live meaningfully........especially as you get older and the grandchildren can play a big part in that!
CHUCKLE:    Car in front of me had a bumper sticker on it.  It read:  "Pray for Obama.....Psalm 109:8"  When I got home I opened the Bible to the scripture and read it.....and started laughing.  Psalm 109:8 says....."Let his days be few and brief; and let others step forward to replace him."  Oh Yes!......and none to soon.

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