Saturday, January 30, 2016

LET IT SNOW........

On top of my thank-you list are my darling neighbors......Gay and Ivan Hill......It started snowing early this morning and has dumped quite a lot of snow........The Pannier's knowing they would be out of town all weekend called Will and Tiff and said go shovel Grammie out......they both called willing but were waiting until later the mean time my darling neighbor Ivan has brought his snow blower over and bailed me out......called the kids and cancelled them, but if it continues all day will need it done again tonight.......Mike, Andrea and Jake are coming for dinner and cards tonight......if they don't get snowed in in Orem!!!  So you can see in this one paragraph how many people I need to be thankful for.......
"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it......I want to have lived the width of it as well."
For a long time my fantacy is having 2 men at once......One cooking....One cleaning....... but today maybe may fantacy is having 3 men at once.......the other to shovel my walks and driveway?????

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