Tuesday, January 26, 2016


What would we do without weather forecasts?  Anyone can forecast their days I guess.....I know it is cold here and snow everywhere........I have been thinking and I guess my favorite outdoor activity in the winter is.......going back inside where it is warm......
         I never make the same mistake twice......I make it 5 or 6 times, you know just to be sure......While on this ride called LIFE......you have to take the good with the bad, smile when you are sad, love what you got and remember what you had.  I had a husband and three beautiful little girls which were always busy, happy and enjoyed a lot of friends.....a nice house and some wonderful friends and neat vacations.  Some people are never blessed with that.  We have to forgive but never forget our heart breaks......just learn from our mistakes but never regret things.  People change.  Things go wrong.  I guess all we can do is remember the ride goes on and there will be an end.
     Met Sherrie and Darren at Costco and they got me a new cell phone......mine was Darren's old one and it would not keep charged.....now to learn how to operate the new one.  They had lots of chores so it was a quick visit and she made cookies for me.......Getting for Bridge here in a couple of days so lots to do!

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