Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Here it is the 5th of January 2016 already and I have not written a word because I can't get my blog printed and have the programs to work since my friend helped me update this dumb computer to Windows 10!!!!!  I really don't ask much from THIS THING.......a little email, Face book and my blog......but it can get so frustrating when it doesn't all come together I could throw it out. 
The Holidays are over thank goodness, it is cold and the stupid inversion we get every year has set in so it is very cold.  I do have my Christmas decorations all tucked away until next year.......or dear.....don't even think about getting them all out again next year.  It was a quiet Christmas, went to the Panniers Christmas Eve for dinner,  home alone all day Christmas......Sher did call to wish me Merry Christmas and Leslie.  Then New Year's afternoon lunch and games with Shirley and Bonnie......home by 6:30 and slept through the NEW YEAR on TV......and  home alone all day and........here we are the 5th  busy paying bills and cleaning up.
This weekend........ off to Vernal to stay with Ken a week while his folks and Bains are off to St Maartin.  Hoping I can get on top of this computer and settle in for a couple of months of cold and snow.

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