Thursday, January 26, 2012


This clock hangs in my kitchen and has a great thought on it....."WhatEver".
We are in a hurry. America is in a hurry. Time has skyrocketed in value. Time has become the most precious commodity in the land. Why, we even have a mountain named "Rushmore!" a
As I enter my golden years and look back at the many birthday cakes I have eaten and all the candles I have blown out I realize how much time has passed in my lifetime. I have gone through a decade of wall calendars marking off one day at a time and then tearing off one month after the other just taking for granite that cakes and calendars will go on forever.......wrong!
I now celebrate each day (48 hours)as a gift. I try to put something special into each day, even if it is no more exciting than watching the little birds flock to the birdfeeder on my back porch. I enjoy each day for its own unique quality and it makes getting older a pleasure instead of a burden.....I am sitting in Sherrie's beautiful big home with winter wonderland surrounding it and look forward to my two grandsons happily returning home from school and a fun evening together.

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