Friday, January 20, 2012


God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can close. If you need God to open some doors for you......Don't hesitate to ask him. Try it, it works.
I God ever in a bad mood because of bad weather? Does God get ruffled over long lines or traffic jams? Does God ever refuse to rotate the earth because his feeling are hurt? For some reason I think he is above all I need to work on these things in my life, realizing I am always being tested.
My two dear friends came over today for coffee and our monthly therapy session. Next to shopping," retail therapy",........... gripping, moaning & groaning and bitching about problems in our life with two of my best friends can be very redesigning and uplifting. We take an oath that everything said here does not leave my dinning room table.......I have to laugh at that, by the time they go out the front door I can't remember most of what we talked about anyway..........
Wish I could get rid of being dizzy, it seems to come and go and I'm thinking it is a sinus infection. My one ear feels plugged. I just don't do "sick" very well. Two days to get my house in order and ready for bridge and lunch at my house on Monday. Thank goodness it only comes onc a year.

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