Saturday, January 7, 2012


Taking a pen or pencil to paper seems like a lost art, but often the m0st meaningful, life-altering words are the ones expressed in a handwritten letter. Letter writing was big as I was growing up and most of my life until email and texting came along. Letters from boy friends, letters from your parents when in college or married, letters from old friends. I still have many of my parents letters and a few of the man I married. Simply opening the envelope and unfolding the pages fill us with excitement. And, when the last words have been read, we can refold the pages and tuck them away for another day to read and reread. Although the paper may yellow and edges may fray, a letter will always be timeless. I can recognize my mother's writing and love the feelings that bring. My father always printed and had beautiful writing. He didn't write too often until mother died, that was her job then. I

loved getting mail from one of my three sisters. Because no one wants to take a few minutes to write some one or buy a stamp (no, they aren't 3 cents any more) but we make more money than back in the old days, the poor post office is going out of business. Yes, it is our fault! To my family and friends I would say write a few more letters.

Not up to much the past few days because of an inner ear infection that makes me walk like a drunk indian. I can't afford to fall and break something so taking my medicine and staying close to the bed......of course, a little computer work breaks the monotony.......

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