Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Since I was young enough to remember I was spoon fed wonderful fairy tails that began 'ONCE UPON A TIME' and when we got to the last page was the wonderful words "AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER".........any story that begins like that has to end with those words. You just know the story promises a story of adventure, romance and perhaps mystery. It contains tales of courage, hope and usually everlasting love. In most stories nice overcomes mean and good overcomes evil, but no matter what, the best part of the story is the ending when they live happily ever after.
I think that is what we all desire in our lives; to be like the heroes and heroines of the nursery rhymes we all love, to triumph over adversity, to experience life in all its beauty, and in the end, to live happily ever after...... Beauty and The Beast.....Belle becomes a captive to a ugly beast in order to save her father. In Ruumpelstilskin....a poor miller promises the king that his daughter can spin straw into gold. Locked in her room she later faces the danger of losing her firstborn child unless she can guess the name of the magical creature who helped her in this impossible task.....and Cinderella endured her wicked stepmother and evil sisters as she slaved for them, but later showed them. Think about it. Everyone has had to go through some kind of dark valley involving temptation, sorrow and trials. Perhaps the death of a loved one or pet, a divorce, a bad disease, lose of a job and is an endless road of ups and downs all part of the life that begins Once Upon a Time and hopefully ends with Happily Ever After. Without the bad times we would not appreciate all the good times God has given us. Today I am enjoying a beautful winter day on the farm. The lake out one window, the horses out another, waiting for my two boys to get home from school.

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