Thursday, January 12, 2012


You will show me the path of life, abounding joy in Your presence, the delights at Your right hand forever. Psalm 16:11

I love this quote I saw on my facebook: "You think when you wake up in the morning yesterday doesn't count. But yesterday is all that does count. What else is there? Your life is made out of the day it's made out of....nothing else." Cornac McCarthy

Yes, I can see my life is made up of almost 80 years of "yesterdays"! With those many days, that I am very thankful for, I encountered many choices and consequences that have gotten me to where I am today. I am not rich or famous, have never done anything great or noteworthy but I have done my best and I am at peace with my life today. Family is what makes the difference in a good, better or best day. There are very few days I don't hear from one or two people in my family.......and extended family. Yesterday Sherrie and Kenny were in town for lunch, a good visit and help me with some chores around the house. My sweet granddaughter spent a few precious hours with me doing her home work on my computer, (should I be happy her computer is down????) and later her brother dropped by to pick her up and spend some time with me. I don't understand the whole thing about homework now days.....something about the teacher puts the lesson in the computer, you work it out on paper and put your answers in, (by 11:00 pm) then turn your work page in the next day. It was chemistry and French......and way over my head!

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