Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The excitement was building about now.....you know that last stop to be photographed......just before you step into that ship. First cruise for the three children. None of us were exactly dreaming of a White Christmas, which didn't even happen at home in Salt Lake City! In my office I have framed all the "last minutes" before my many cruises and now they announced to me they had finally made......my wall. It was a great trip with many wonderful memories made. I think we voted our day in"Atlantis" was definitely a favorite.

It has been a hectic day trying to find 7 people to play bridge at our up coming bridge date at my house.....sometimes I wonder if it is worth cleaning house for and preparing lunch......but then I realize that the other seven bridge members also get their turn at doing the same thing when it is their turn......which I do enjoy. Now I can start washing windows, getting down cob-webs and corner cleaning. Spring house cleaning, yea!

Off to baby sit this weekend............wonder how many times I will lose at UNO?

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