Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The computer swallowed grandma?

Yes, honestly its true.......

She pressed 'control' and 'enter'....

And disappeared from view!

It devoured her completely?

The thought just makes me squirm....

She must have caught a virus...

Or been eaten by a worm?

I've searched through the recycle bin?

And files of every kind.....

I've even used the internet....

But nothing did I find.

In desperation, I asked Jeeves?

My searches to refine.....

The reply from him was negative..

Not a thing was found 'online'?

So, if inside your 'inbox',.....

My Grandma you should see....

Please 'copy', 'scan' and 'paste' her...

And send her back to me!

I don't know where that came from but he must have known this 'grandma'.....Thank goodness for my wonderful granddaughter, Tiffany, who struggled with me for the five and half years she lived with me on what to push and what not to push. She was very patient and told me the same stuff over and over and over again. Now that she got married and is no longer with me I am still struggling with some very 'common sense' problems. Once in awhile I have to break down and call her with something that the computer outsmarts me on. But all in all I love my computer. I email, blog and am on Face Book. This old grandma is determined not to get left behind in the modern world of machines! Off to bridge today, one of my favorite days of the month.

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