Monday, March 28, 2011


A spider web is a metaphor of the circle of life. The spider teaches his children each time you reach out and connect---Sn your world grows.

There comes a time in our lives when we retire, either by choice or by request. To some it is a long awaited and planned for blessing, to others it is a curse. This is the time in your life when you must reach out and connect with a new interest or challenge. There is a challenge at any age to continue to grow and there are many ways to continue to grow. The hobby you never had time for, a trip you wanted to take, perhaps a new business, the pictures you always wanted to paint or the roses you wanted to plant. For some this will not be enough, you will need a new interest that challenges you every day of your life. The secret in a happy retirement is to not become bored and unhappy, as this leads to illness.

If your not sure which road to take check out the inner child and see if they have any secret desires buried. You may have a secret desire from your childhood that was squashed because the family had no money, no time or no interest in helping you pursue it. Perhaps they told you it was a stupid idea, you had no talent, you were crazy or dumb to waste your time on it. Let that inner child speak to you now, it can open many doors that lead you to complete a dream from your youth. One of my favorite things since I retired is to volunteer at the many needy areas out there. There are many you can help without any great talent. Also I have seen much of the world, this has added many new dimensions in my life to share with family and friends. I guess we just have to realize although there are some negatives there are many pluses if you look for them. Snowed again today........will Spring ever arrive?

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