Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Our life is just like a labyrinth, we pick and choose each day which turn to take us to what is right for us. I love the following thought: "In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open except yourself." Life is an endless series of choices from the tiny to the momentous and are all based, consciously or sub-consciously, on what you value. Your values are what are important to you, the rules you live by. Generally your actions reflect your values. They are the outward symbols of your inner voice. People who lead the most fulfilling and satisfying lives are those who take responsibility for directing their changes. When you direct your own changes, you are more likely to get what you want from life, you don't wait around for someone else to make your life better. From about 24 to 54 I didn't realize all this, but thank goodness circumstances changed and found the key and the door and happiness! Today my sweet Karrie drove me to my eye appointment so they could dilate my eyes. The news I expected was, you need to do something about the cataracts. Soooooo, I guess after I get back from a little trip I have coming up in May I won't put it off any longer. It has been hours and my eyes are still very dilated, things a little blurry. Sherrie in and met for a quick lunch yesterday. Pam starts a new job at the Law School at the U today, tomorrow my class at the Senior Center and Scottie's program, Friday I'm taking in my Income Tax........and another week has flown by! It snowed this morning but the sun is shinning tonight.

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