Monday, March 7, 2011


Had a busy weekend trying to keep up with my youngest grandson while his parents went to Las Vegas for a LaCross tournament. Movie and dinner one day, then he was off to a birthday party and a two hour play date with a friend the next and the third day we planned to do a pizza place that no longer is, so went to IHop and ate and ended up at the Nickel Arcade, he is just like the pink bunny that keeps goin and goin and goin! I just realized the withdrawal feelings I am having is I hadn't been in a store to shop for a week. "Ours not to reason why, Ours but to find and buy".....we can't help it. It's the fault of our ancestors! Our hunter/gatherer ancestors, who survived by collecting pelts, sticks for fires, fibers, hunks of peat or whatever was available to make their caves more comfortable. They collected shells, stones and animal teeth and bird feathers to make decorations for their bodies. I'm sorry but our brains have never got past these impulses. When we are bored or upset some people eat, some of us turn to retail therapy. Ask yourself are you a pack rat? a minimalist? A cracker jack organizer? Or a master of disaster? Your possessions say a lot about who you are. My home is filled with clutter that is in my mind, the poetry of my life. It is filled with the fingerprints of my experiences. These "things" give shape to who I am. They reveal the magic moments in my life with my children, grandchildren, Friends and worldly travels. In a metaphor it is like turning the pages of my family album or scrapbook that melds the years in the past and present opening the doors to the world and showing people what I call living. So I say, "shop till you drop" it really is good therapy.............

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