Thursday, March 3, 2011


I think I have Spring Fever........I decided to reclaim my office and have been cleaning for two days. I finally finished my three daughters a scrap book and gave them out for Valentine's Day, was aiming for Thanksgiving, didn't happen. I was aiming for Christmas, didn't happen, so finally last month, in the process I had dug out reams of papers and pictures and keep sakes and just left them. So now the next project is go through the pictures and put them into families books, just so much stuff to sort through. Once you start cleaning you find stuff in the closet, stuff in drawers, stuff in the basement. I sort the good stuff from the bad stuff, then I stuff the bad stuff somewhere I can find an empty spot until I decide if I will want the bad stuff later.
When I die my daughters will want the good stuff, but the bad stuff, stuffed wherever there is room among all the other stuff will be stuffed in bags and taken to the dump where other people's stuff has been taken. My grand daughter moved out and left me with another big closet. I couldn't leave it empty so now I have a place for the stuff too good to throw away and too bad to keep with my good stuff. I wonder if you have the same problem I have with stuff, cleaning stuff, medicine stuff, clothes stuff and outside stuff. I can't imagine my life without all this stuff! Now, there is all the stuff we use to make us smell good, to make our hair look good, to make us look younger, stuff to make us look healthier, stuff to hold us in, stuff to fill us out. And there is stuff to read, stuff to play with, stuff to entertain us and stuff to eat. Yes our lives are filled with stuff....good stuff, bad stuff, little stuff, big stuff, useful stuff, junky stuff and every one's stuff. I wonder when I die what will happen to all my "Wonderful Stuff" but I guess it really won't matter. I will still have the good stuff that God prepared for me in heaven...........Maybe they don't wear shoes in heaven anyway. I'm spending the weekend with my youngest grandson, we have big plans.....................

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