Friday, March 18, 2011


Tax time can ruin your days or you can say "Suck it up Cupcake and get it done" People like my sister, who always get something back, do their taxes in February. My effecient kids get theirs done in March and I usually wait a week before they are due, BUT, this year I am working on them in the middle of April, can you believe it? My dinning room table is covered with faithfully kept receipts of all kinds, the chore is to sort them and decided what I need to keep and what I can shred! Truthfully I'd like to light a match to the whole back or not.....but I know better after 25 years of having to get my own taxes done each year. When my kids ask,"Is there anything we can do for you?" Why don't I say," Yep, come get these taxes done for me." But I can't do that I guess.

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