Thursday, March 10, 2011


This clock hangs in my kitchen and I have adopted it's words of "WhatEver!" to live by. It's early, it's late, I'm early, I'm late.........oh, whatever? Life goes on and so do the minutes of your life.
There is so much attention and energy being spent on time now days......and time is very important because "Time is the way we measure our Lives." As each day ends and we finally snuggle down for a few winks, perhaps even before the prayers......we arrange and rearrange our time schedule for the next day. We start chopping our day into hours, our hours into half hours and our 1/2 hours into minutes. I have always felt that is me it is called "Organized", but that is just my way of using the hours and minutes of the day. I am also a huge list maker to keep track of what I have to do each day. This is not right or wrong.....good or just is. Most of my life has been go, go, go and don't waste time. I now see this reflected in my children and how they use their time. I wonder who is going to remember if my house was clean or the laundry done a hundred.....fifty.....even twenty years from now. I will never look back on my life and feel I wasted it, that is for sure, but did I get the most out of those precious hours and minutes? No! I wish I had spent more time with my parents while they were alive. I wish I had spent more time with my children when they were small, one on one with paper dolls and books. I wish I had spent more time with Friends, to share a laugh or a tear. I wish I had spent more time enjoying my yard and flowers and perhaps my puppies. I wish I had enjoyed the scenery and weather and more time thanking God for all I had. Yes, TODAY I am still making lists but look at my clock and think "WhatEver" and just enjoy the hours and minutes I have left in life. Today is finally a beautiful sunny day spring is getting closer. Yesterday had a fun lunch with my twins and Kennedy, Sherrie pops in and out so our time together is precious.

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