Saturday, February 26, 2011


This is my second grandson, Alex Christenson and he is celebrating his 18th birthday today...........He was the cutest baby. So alert, friendly and the charisma just oozed from him. Today he is a tall, handsome boy and still very lovable. I am very proud of him. From day one as a little guy he loved cars and would spend hours in the dirt making roads for his cars. Today he spends hours in his parents big blue barn working on cars. If they need something serious he takes them to his welding class at school and they have a new project to work on. The girls like him, but right now he is shy and has decided he doesn't have the time or money for of these days a very smart girl will change his mind and steal his heart. He is a hard worker and still has time to play. Winter time is snowmobiling at the Cabin in Part City, Summer time the house boat in Lake Powell feeds that love of swimming, water skiing etc. Vernal has miles of trails for horses and dirt bikes and the lake in the back yard isn't bad either. Such a great boy, and he loves his grandmother too. He is at the cabin this weekend with friends to celebrate, it started snowing last night and is still snowing and I am sure he is loving it. Happy Birthday Al.
My nephew is getting married today in the Manti Temple. Mike and Andrea are each bringing with them 4 children, which is quite a challenge for anyone. Thursday Karrie helped me buy a new chandelier and I got it up yesterday, new things are fun. Two more days and it will be March, where does the time go?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Families are forever, and the best way to get through life is to be there for each other, through thick or thin. My parents loved us unconditionally, and even though you may not have always known it, we children would be there for each other. When mother died , we gathered around Dad, and he needed us more......and we needed him. The following story (supposedly passed from an old African King) is such a good example of the power of a family.
An old man is dying he calls his people to his side. He gives a short sturdy stick to each of his many off springs, wives and relatives. "Break the Stick", he instructs them. With some effort, they all snap their sticks in half. "This is how it is when a soul is alone without anyone. They can be easily broken."
The old man next gave each of his kin another stick, and says, "This is how I would like you to live after I pass away. Put your sticks together in bundles of two and threes, now break these bundles in half." No one could or can break the sticks when there are two or more in a bundle. The old man smiles. "We are strong when we stand with another soul. When we are truly with another we cannot be broken." This can be even more strong when families are bound together with a circle of love, the rubber band shows that circle clearly and as each family is encircled in the same band of love, the bundle becomes even more strong and supportive.
The Metaphor that goes with this is a young stick is sturdy and can survive alone with sunshine and water, but as the years go by and it is attacked by insects, drougth and weather it becomes old and begins to deteriorate and without the support of the young new generations of growth it soon becomes decayed and dies. This is true of families. This is true of businesses, both large and small, and of departments in business. Of support groups of states and of countries. Let us put our sticks together and love and support each other as an everyday pattern of life. This is how life is meant to be. Look at the turmoil the world is in today and see how this lesson could help millions of people.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


After four days baby sitting the three Cookie grandchildren and three dogs, plus mine I can well understand it when my cute daughter tells me she is tired. All three children were on antibiotics, so I played, doctor, baby sitter and dog tender and you know how that goes. Let them in....let them out......let them in.....etc.etc.etc. The dogs are BIG dogs and Marley and I battle over who is going to be the alfa dog in the house! I don't always win either. He is such a lover it is hard to really get mad at him but once in awhile I like to go through a door first, or down the stairs first or decide when I want company on my bed. Marley just doesn't seem to understand that. The children know I'm the ALFA of their group. My cute 9 year old rather demands my full attention. I played about 100 games of UNO with him and won once or twice. We took in the Nickel Cade and McDonalds and I learned how to use the famous "Red Box" that seem to be everywhere. Nothing to it, punch in the movie you want, swipe your credit card and pow out comes the movie. I was happy to learn something new. Then, they said when you take them back grandma just push a button and drop them in the slot.............sure..........I couldn't find a button and they wouldn't fit in the slot. I finally went into the 7-11 and admitted to the clerk the machine was smarter than I......not to mention the grand kids.....and could they please show me how to get those movies back into that red box. A very nice young girl gave me a look and showed me. But now I know, you lift the screen, tell it your back, it opens up and confirms you have returned the movie. You know that is really kinda interesting and not a bad thing to know.
I also took Saturday afternoon off and went to the Ballet, "Sleeping Beauty" with Pam and Tiffany, it was so beautifully done and the costumes were amazing. Of course, Gigi and I were glad to get back in our own little beds last night.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I love this thought from Anil's Ghost:
"Anil would slip out of her sandals and stand in the shallow water, her toes among the white petals, her arms folded as she undressed the day, removing layers of events and incidents so they would no longer be within her......she would stand there for a while, then walk wet-footed to bed."
I have found you to can practice this thought. Each night before you go to sleep "undress your mind." One by one remove each layer of events and incidents of your day, fold them nicely and tuck them away for the night so, they are no longer a part of you. Tomorrow take out what you need, the rest leave tucked nicely out of minds reach, so as not to complicate your day. This is better than any sleeping pill. This is a good wabi-sabi exercise,......... you know the Japanese Art of looking at every thing bad or ugly and finding something good or beautiful about it.......
As I look back my X had a way of burrowing under my intelligence until I became uncertain I had any left. I will not allow myself to step back to the trauma of the 16 months of my divorce, 30 years trashed and smeared with hate and tears and fears of the future. How do you start your life over at 54........can you? Well, trust in the Universe and God they step forward with determination and say of course you can. In fact you will find in the long run it will be even better now. AND IT IS.
A wonderful Valentine's Day weekend just flew by and I am looking forward to baby sitting next weekend with three grandchildren......oh, and three dogs! We had a couple of beautiful sunny warm 60 degree days and are now in for a weekend of 30 degree weather......Oh Spring, hurry up and get here.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentines Day!.......I wish I could look back on a lot of Happy Valentines Day, but I can't. It is like they quite having Valentine's Day after I graduated from High School until, well the time my first daughter was in the first grade and brought home a valentine she had made me in school. My X of 30 years didn't seem to know about "that day" either. He never sent flowers, bought candy or took me to dinner. When the three girls got old enough to like Valentine's Day they have made my Valentine's Days very memorable. Even if your not madly in love with someone it is a nice way to say thank you for being there for me. Today my door bell rang and the postman left this box for me..........of course many thoughts rushed through my mind, a secret admirer, an old love, a surprise from a neighbor. The girls had all showed me their love and I have beautiful flowers everywhere to prove it. No, it was from the "Fairy Tales Brownie" Company and was sent by a sweet niece. What a fun surprise, and are they good! Life is full of surprises and it is so wonderful when it is a good surprise. I do look back on the wonderful years of childhood when you HAD to have the prettiest Valentine Box in your class. What boys sent you one, did it mention LOVE on it? Who got the most cards? My mother told how when she was young, a new girl moved into her class and didn't get any valentines, she felt so bad she erased her name off the back of all her valentines and gave them to this new girl whose name was Thyra Dyer and they remained best friends the rest of their lives. I have thought of that story every year and realized it showed me the kind of mother I had, she was always doing things like that to make someone else's life better. I guess that is what Valentine's Day is really about.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I'm not sure what Fear would look like, but to me fear makes me feel, like this guy looks.
"Because of feelings of fear, many people never "step out", therefore they never "find out" what they are capable of."
We have all been a victim of fear. Fear can be connected to confidence. Some people have no confidence in themselves at all. What causes this? Perhaps their health, wealth, status, looks or a weight problem. Under-confidence is a condition---and can cause us to be afraid or have fear of things. Fear is an emotional virus, it begins as a thought then affects your behaviors and emotions.
If you are fearful it is hard to reach your potential in life. You are always to afraid to try something new or different. It can become a cruel ruler, fear brings with it the thought of punishment in some form......or something bad. I always wanted to be a public speaker and loved being on the Speakers Bureau for the Rape Crisis Center for quite a few years. I loved being able to inform and teach people. Then I had a chance to speak on Cruises under the umbrella of "Life Enrichment" but I was afraid and almost pasted up the chance. Finally I had to face the fear and do it anyway.......I did it and loved it. A growing experience in my life. There are still some things I fear that I may never conquer, like fear of snakes and spiders, sky diving, being a race car driver........but, each day brings new challenges and I will not be afraid to tackle them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday I went to a fun class at the Senior Center given by W. Higashi. One of the subjects was from "The Dynamic Laws of Healing."
The word "Occult" means that which is secret. The ancient Egyptians had a special secret name they called on for producing wonderful results. That occult name was "I AM".
"I AM" was the Hebrew's name for God, and they became known as "People of the I AM." There are strange powers lying dormant within the name. All that you dream of as desirable can be released through the redeeming words, "I AM", because these words stir up the divine nature within you. "I AM" is the name of GOD within you.
Every time you say "I AM" you have released a dynamic force that is going to produce results. Since this dynamic force has no choice but to produce whatever you join to it, be careful what you attach to the words "I AM." If you say, "I am lonely," "I am tired," "I am weak," "I am getting old," "I am unhappy," "I am a failure," "I am sick", you are exercising a power that will produce results.
Even though it doesn't seem true at the moment if you say , "I am healthy," "I am happy," "I am prosperous," "I am a success," it will begin to come true. Jesus knew the power and used the "I AM" statements upward: "I am the way, the truth, the life, a king, a good shepherd."
Your "I AM" power is especially effective in healing. When you speak the words "I AM", every cell and atom of your being springs to attention. Many people have experienced healing's of mind, body and affairs by using the following simple formula: "I am healthy, strong, well , eternally youthful."Through proper use of your "I AM" power, you will find yourself filled with the creative power of the universe, to which nothing is impossible. You can affect others in a positive direction by saying "I am joy." (Read Isiah) Yes, "I AM having a wonderful day!"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Why do I love to write?
'When I write I slip into the page of print as if it were water.....and the pen or computer is the current that carries me where I want to go....not sure at first....but with each word the momentum of my thoughts picks up does the pen and soon I am at my journey's end with the thought or picture I am painting on the page. Yes, that is what it's like to write for me....." Every person has a story that is his and his alone. A dozen people can read the same story and interpret it different through their own eyes and life experiences. I like the thought "ENJOY WHERE YOU ARE ON THE WAY TO WHERE YOU ARE GOING." To be able to write well is so satisfying. My mother was a writer and left so many wonderful memories for her family to enjoy many years after she was gone. Songs, poems, family you put the letters of the alphabet together is the secret even if you have one letter on your computer that is on strike you can still make yourself understood, take for instance the following......A Difference of One.
My word procxssor is statx-of-thx-art, it works vxry wxll xxcxpt for onx kxy. Just a singlx kxy out of ordxr sxxms to xffxct thx wholx systxm. So, thx nxxt timx you think your participation is not important, rxmxmbxr my word arx a Diffxrxncx of Onx! I would encourage every person to write down just one thought or happening a day and see where the current carries you. Today is a bright sunny, cold wintry day. It snowed again last night which makes the skiers happy. I Am going to lunch with Sher, Kar and Kennedy......which makes any day with them a great day.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today is the big Super-Bowl game in Texas..... All men are just going crazy, for them it is better than Christmas. They are all getting their "Man caves" ready for a party. So girls, do you have a "woman cave" that you can retreat to? If not it is time you start thinking about a nook to retreat to. We hear how Teddy Roosevelt kept a game trophy room, Mark Twain had a billiards room and Churchill retreated his artist studio to paint......(no TV or bowl games in their days.) Have you ever heard if Mrs Roosevelt, Mrs Twain or Mrs Churchill had a "Woman cave? I haven't..... Well, I have staked out some "ME SPACE" in my little condo. In my master bedroom I have this wonderful four poster bed with lots of pillows. I have a book shelf with my favorite books close by. In one corner an Amish Fireplace which I use constantly with my TV and DVD player on top. In front of it is my big recliner chair with a handy table by it with a lamp, place for a drink, a good book, my Kindle, my Suduko book and Journal piled on it. Underneath the table is my knitting bag with my latest prayer shawl ready for a row or two. I have a comfy throw my daughter gave me for Christmas to snuggle in, when needed. In another corner is my sewing machine, which is still used a lot for projects for my grandchildren. Next to it a card table where I work on making jewelry when I'm in the mood. I have a lap-top computer that mostly lives in the kitchen, but can be right at home with it's wirelessness up stairs. I do spend many happy hours in my "Woman Cave". I can just grab the portable phone or cell phone, sit back and catch up on the latest with my family and friends. My meditation spot has an angle statue, a candle and a small water fountain......very peaceful. So to all my lady friends out there get you a "Woman Cave" with a door that locks! I think Green bay will win today!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Why is it when you get together with a friend for lunch or coffee the conversation is dominated with the stories of your aches and pains. It use to be your children or job but as you age, kids grow up, you retire, what else is there that is important to you?
No matter what your problem is by the end of your session you wouldn't trade yours problems for theirs. I guess that is what these girl sessions are for. This whole week has been freezing cold. My sweet daughter in Vernal has even had it worse, it's always about 20 degrees colder there and her poor cat got pneumonia!......she reports the antibiotics are working. I think the following poem is great and I am trying to get in the habit of saying "Oh, I'm just fine."
There's nothing whatever the matter with me. I'm just as healthy as I can be.
I have arthritis in both knees, And when I talk, I talk with a Wheeze.
My pulse is weak, and my blood is thin, But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in!
I think my liver is out of whack, And a terrible pain is in my back.
My hearing is poor, my sight is dim, Most everything seems to be out of trim.
Arch supports I have for my feet, Or I wouldn't be able to be on the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night, but every morning I find I'm alright.
My memory is failing, my heads in a spin, But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
The moral is this, as my tale I unfold. That for you and me who are growing old,
It's better say "I'm fine", with a grin, Than to let folks know the shape we are in.
Yea, I'm fine today.............kinda, sorta!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I for some reason at this time, Your rainbow you can't find....
Just let me know and I will share with you mine!
I want to be the hero of my own story........
Gerontologist recognize that in order to age successfully we must first accept and embrace the fact that we are aging.
We must also believe in ourselves and have good self esteem. Self confidence can help you immensely. Believing in yourself means believing in your good, not in whether or not you are thin, attractive and youthfully sexy. It is your inner worth that should shine through.
Ann Morrow Lindberg said, "The most exhausting thing in life is being insecure."
If you want to be happy as you age, (and you are going to age no matter what) be honest with yourself about who and what you really are. Age is just a number. When we face the fact that youth is not king, we can tell ourselves the truth of who we are and what we are. When we start valuing our true gifts, we well know the feeling of AGELESSNESS. No one else can make this happen except you. Jump on that positive attitude and tell yourself the truth about what a wise and wonderful person you really are. Name your talents and accomplishment of the past.
Acceptance is one of the most important keys to becoming ageless. Getting older is not getting worse. In some cultures the old people are the cherished ones, they realize that growing older is a part of life as is dying. It happens to everyone sooner or later. As I have said, "today is the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be" have a nice day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Sometimes your nice smooth road in life gets a bump in it......Something that throws you off course a little. So you pull back, work it out and find your road again. I think I'm back on my road again and need to get back to blogging. I have just finished three scrapbooks for my girls, that has kept me busy. They were to be done by Thanksgiving....Not. They were to be done by Christmas.....Not. Now I think I can deliver them by Valentines Day! I needed to get them done and move on through the tons of pictures to sort and file or discard. The big news the past few days has been the uprising in Egypt. I am so glad I got to see the museum, and the beautiful pyramids before it becomes unsafe for tourist. Also, we are in for freezing weather for a few days. Cold, cold, but not as bad as the weather in the New England states with the ice and snow. Thank goodness most of our snow has been in our beautiful mountains this winter. So moving on I call on my angels to help me not stop "movin on". My success strategy to be my absolute best! Be sincere and honest. I do not like phony, just act natural and be yourself. Body language tells so much about a person. This I learned when I was a Stewardess. Stand tall or sit up straight, shoulders back, chin up , make eye contact and keep smiling. Shows confidence and helps you feel confident (even when you might not be). Ask questions....."Questions provide you with information, and information is powerful,"
Asking questions shows that you are interested in the moment. Plan ahead when possible, be prepared not surprised. Pay attention to details "Do sweat the small stuff" when dealing with others little things matter with people. Don't be afraid...."You can't climb the ladder of success with cold feet!" So I take another look at things........"Things happen for a reason, just believe."