Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The New Year is pushing in.....

As 2010 is breathing down my neck I think about the four things that you can't recover:
The Stone..........After it is thrown.
The Occasion......after it is missed.
The word............after it is said.
The Time..........after it is gone.
At any age we should be aware of these, but especially be aware when you know you are not going to live forever. I hope I can think before I speak, I hope I can make an extra effort not to miss occasions of our family, like ball games, school plays, dance programs and family get togethers. I hope I can plan and cherish my time left on earth to enjoy, spread love and be helpful in anyway I make good use of my time. I want to take pictures, walk miles and get Spotty Dot published so the world can enjoy it also. These are my thoughts and desires the night before we usher the New Year in.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Enjoy Life

A thought never leaves my mind anymore............"Enjoy life now! It has an experation date. I have another birthday looming in the New Year that is upon us, and I want to simplify my life and enjoy every minute of my time left on earth. How can I do this? Well, to start with I will try and schedule daily downtime. Shut the door on distractions, get in touch with my real self, to tune into my real desires and passions. (To create things). Focus on what I really feel worthwhile. Make a list of my five top priorities for 2010. Give each one some of my quality time. IDo Need to shed "stuff" in my house. My closets etc. are over flowing with "THINGS". Some things are ok, but almost 78 years of things have gotten to be "ALOT"........I am slowing down physically because of age, but I need to slow down and quit hurrying to get it all done. I will eat slowly, drive slowly, breath slowly, walk slowly. Pay full attention to family, friends, hobbys, my dog, God and surround myself with others who enjoy life's simpliest pleasures also. I will "gather up friends with whom I can share the scenic road to simplification." In Thoreau's words, I will begin to "live deliberately" enjoying every morsel of time.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

What star are you following?

"Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him." Matthew 2:2 I love the thought that God loves you and there is nothing you can do about it! That is just a fact. I hope I am following a star that will lead me back to him. This has been a beautiful Christmas Holiday for me, my family has gathered around and included me in their festivities, how lucky I am. I have thought much about the many people out there who are hungry and homeless, sad or sick or lonesome. Remember God loves us all. My prayer is , let me help out in every way I can. My house is a mess and I have to make a quilt for Richies birthday the 29th, I love being busy. Saw a fun movie with the Panniers today , "It's complicated" with Merly Streep and Steve Marten. Last night saw the movie "AVATAR" with my Cook family,3Dand fabulous photography. A week until the New Year and how lucky I am to see 2010! Took a few pictures of the Ginger bread houses we made and walked whie I shopped, I promise to keep on the move.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Counting the hours now......

Tomorrow night our big family dinner. It snowed off and on all day so looks like a "WhiteChristmas". I find this time of year I try to remember the things I did this past year. I could have been better and done better, which makes me determined to do better in 2010! People in Asia believe a few simple items can make your home luckier and bring you more wealth, happiness and health. Live longer with Bamboo, I have a small bamboo plant, it represents youth because it's flexible and evergreen.......A bowl of fruit symbolies riches, it's abundance is to attract money and prosperity.......Wind chimes symbolically announces the coming of good news. It can help keep positive energy, or 'chi' moving freely throughout your home.......more energy with candles, so keep them around the house. Their extra light in your space encourages you to have a longer, happier life ........Fish are considered very lucky in Asia. Black fish absorb and deflect negative energy, while goldfish are said to attract money( I have three goldfish!) Studies back this up; families with fish report getting along better and feeling less sstress and anxiety.......YES! I'm set for a great new year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Almost Done.........

Karrie came by to pick up a Christmas gift I had got for one of her kids. I went across town dropped off my cousins Christmas, spent a nice hour visiting with Lucille and Gene. Wentto Costco picked up a few things for Christmas dinner , then on to Smith's to finish up my shopping. Home to finish the favors for the table and get the neighbors gifts ready, then Mike and Cade came by to pick up some of Sherrie's books to give to friends for Christmas. Tiff had a family thing with Scott's family so will be late getting home. Did I take any pictures or walk today? No pictures, but plenty of walking. I am so proud that I have blogged every day so far.
My thought for the day: I pray every day for Obama. Psalm 109:8 "Let his days be few: and may another take his office." You think I'm kidding!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Three More days till Christmas

Diplomacy and Public Relation skills are important in any job "Especially This One"....Life!
Some people are born with these skills, some people never learn them. guess who you would rather be around.
Tiff had a fun party and her friends treat me like one of the gang. Slept in, went to a movie and then to Pannier's for dinner. I did my walking at Target today, but no picture taking. I need to keep focused though and will take alot of pictures at Christmas. Our Nicci will be home tonight for Christmas break from Indiana, Will home from the U. Talked to Leslie and all her family but Kirk will be home for Christmas..........FAMILIES ARE THE GREATEST!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


As I write Merry Christmas many times this time of year how thankful i am for the alphabet. What an awesome thought! "More powerful than all poetry, more persuasive than all science, more profound than all philosophy are the letters of the alphabet,......twenty-six pillars of strength, upon which our culture rests."
I think of all the stories about my life and how great to have them written down with all the 26 letters doing their jobs. The vowels "a-e-i-o-u" do double duty and we can thank them for their place in our lives. Our names, addresses, the many rules of our nation and states and homes that keep our lives orderly, that keep accounts of our money. Authors write wonderful books to read. we have calenders to keep track of days, months and years. It is just awesome what 26 little letters do in influences our lives, Another thought....I spent 12 years in school learning to spell, using these letters. Now my grand kids are conversing in tex...OMG, U R nice! It will take another 12 years to learn this new language! Walked an hour shopping today and took three pictures. I'm still focused.........

Friday, December 18, 2009


Took one picture and walked a half hour shopping, so trying!
"Life is not about the end of the story, where we put down the book with a satisfied way.........or not!"
It's about all the chapters in between, that make your heart race, bring a smile and make you cry as you work your way deliciously, exhausted to the end where you get to say............That was a good story!"
I do hope at the end of my life, I go can quietly and peacefully at the appropriate time and say about my life "I have left a good story for my family to remember me by." She was the best of the best, is what I hope I have earned for my head stone. Everyone's life has a story to be written about, but some are not worth the trouble. So far I am satisfied with where I came from and where I am today, on this beautiful Holiday Season...........

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Eve One Week from Today

Soon I won't be counting the days, but the minutes until Christmas is upon us. I am almost ready, just keep thinking of something else that needs to be done. Haven't turned on the outside lights or cleaned the house for Tiff's party Saturday. Had a condo meeting tonight............Bev and I came home a little disgruntled over the Christmas bonuses that just keep going up! O well. Karrie and Rich are both sick today so I took Kentucky fried chicken over to the kids for dinner. tiff is feeling better. OK, how many pictures did I take today? None and I am afraid I will have to put that new passion on hold for a week while I get through Christmas. I did walk a few miles hunting some last minute bargains.
"A memoir is when you put down the good things you ought to have done and leave out the bad ones you did do." Will Rogers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Day

A must is to go see the movie "Invictus". In Latin it means unconquered/undefeated. It was the name of a poem by William Ernest Henley in 1888. While in jail Mandella used the poem to stay alive and never give up. The last two lines of the poem are very forceful : "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." If we can be inspired with these two lines as well, how much better will be our lives. "I am" in control of my life.
Had a fun lunch and afternoon with three old and very good friends. Traveling buddies for many years. SooooI didn't even get my camera out, and no, no photos today. It was pretty cloudy and not a good picture taking day. Anyway that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Moving On

Today a beautiful sunny! Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow till you find your dream. I will, I will. Eight days till we have Christmas here, guess I better get organized. Tomorrow is another play day, then I will clean up the house for Tiff's party Saturday. So how did I do in the picture taking end of my new years resolution? I took one picture today. Two little birds on a welcome sign under a twig. They looked so cute huddled together in a pile of snow. Not a trophy picture maybe, but a start. Everywhere I look now I try to imagine a picture of interest. Check in tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Did I walk a dozen miles and take a lot of pictures?.........Sorry I didn't get one photo today. It was My Prayer Shawl Ministry (Witty Knitters) day and the day got away from me. I did have a finished Shawl to bless and leave for someone in need. That made me feel good. A great group of ladies and the meeting was at Lorraine's house who is 91. She had three decorated Christmas trees set up in her trailor home........and one on the porch. She is an unbelievable lady! Maybe tomorrow there will appear that magic photo I am searching for.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Years resolution

I have decided to get my New Years resolution out early! If i commit on paper in words maybe that will inspire me more. I want to get into photography..........take pictures and post them for people to buy. If they do or don't ............I will have the enjoyment of the act. I will carry my phone and a camera with me at all times. I will need to do some walking, which will help me stay fit. I will to SEE not just LOOk at things. everything is fair game for a good buyable photo. It will keep my mind stimulated and active and give me a new challenge for the New Year. Each day I will post where I walked, strolled, saundered, creep or drove to get my new pictures and fun ideas. COME FOLLOW ME.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

God Knows Best

This little piece made me think:
"God doesn't give you the people you want; he gives you the people you help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be."
23 years ago when my husband walked out on his family, I ask many times "Why God"? and I was very angry at him. What had I done to deserve the hurt? Now many years later and with reading the above I am more at peace in my life, and so understand how true it is. I guess I was given him at the time for a reason, we had three beautiful, healthy, smart, capeable, talented and wonderful daughters. That said, I'm not sure what else we had in common. We did love to travel and he being an airline pilot made that plausable for his family. Since he left I have found new strengths and have gone on in my life to grow in many ways I never would have with him.
A wonderfully strong family unit of three families. I have gone on with education in foreign language, with NLP classes and talked on Cruise Ships, I volunteer, I have traveled around the world ......12o countries, 6 continents and 48 states and spend quality time with my nine grandchildren. I am happy, I have a good life, Thank you God!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

This is our latest family excitement - check out Sherrie's rebuttle to her latest critics

This I leave to my grandchildren

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Experience - A Teacher

When troubles and trials are present
When disappointments are found all the way
Take courage and always keep trying--to believe
the good of each day.

Sorrow leaves gifts at it's station
Misfortunes great blessings disguise,
From trials is from joys we learn values,
By mistakes we are often made wise.

Experience is always a teacher,
whether problems, or gladness or pains.
Looking back through the years we shall all find,
Our striving has not been in vain.

These past few weeks I realize how lucky I am as I have talked to many of my dear friends. At our age so many health problems, children problems, job or money problems. I am so discouraged with what Obama is doing to our great country and what my generation is leaving for the grandchildren to pay for. But God has warned us! Our experiences of years can see it, but young, ambitious presidents............Sorry kids, I didn't vote for him.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I just read a story that I cannot get out of my mind.............."Two cans of corn", on how to start a food storage program, that would benefit anyone. The author made it clear that no matter who you are bad things can happen in your life. If you get sick or lose your job, a earth quake, flood or fire , so many bad things are happening to so many good people. If they would just realize each time they go shopping to check the sales and buy two extra cans of corn,or beans or peas and stick them away in food storage, that soon they would have a nice food storage. So your neighbor or brother's house is the one destroyed, you would have extra for a pot of soup and a meal to help someone else..............or it could be their pot of soup that helped your family in time of need. "Two Cans of Corn," says so much to me, I went right out and bought two cans of corn and put down stairs on a shelf in my laundry room, and each week I will buy a couple of things that are on sale to add to my food and water supply. Only a couple of dollars a week will not be noticed to much and could make a big difference in yours and someone elses life.

I am determined to be more faithful to my blog, my inspirations are my niece Nicci and my daughter Sherrie. Sherrie just got her book "The Power of a Penny" published and is so good to keep us posted on how she and the book are doing...........Love it. And my sweet Nicci, second grandchild, that is a ball a fire and part gypsie like her grandmother.... is far away from home going to graduate school in Indianna. I love to know all the fun and exciting things she is doing.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Moving right along

Time does fly........I have had another birthday since my last update. Easter has come and gone and Mother's day is around the corner. Pam and Rob had a 30th wedding anniversary and a fun cruise to celebrate. Will went through appendicitis and a knee operation. Nicci will be home next week for the summer, then off to Indiana to graduate school. Tiff just co-chaired a soriety convention in town.............she got many thank-yous for a great job. Alex had his first prom nite last night. Richard Benj. got a drivers permit and loves Lacross. I am going to make Andrea a skirt, apron and bonnet so she can trek with the church group. Also Sherrie, Karrie and Kennedy joined me in an April birthday. Pam and the Christensons went to "Wicked" yesterday and Kennedy stayed with Grammie. Wednesday night the Cooks with to "Wicked" and Scottie stayed all night with Grammie. I saw "wicked" in New York, but liked Mama Mia better. And Brayden is as tall as I am. what a "Fun Bunch'" of people I am related to..........and Rob invted me to one of his gourmet dinners tonight! Life is good!