Saturday, December 19, 2009


As I write Merry Christmas many times this time of year how thankful i am for the alphabet. What an awesome thought! "More powerful than all poetry, more persuasive than all science, more profound than all philosophy are the letters of the alphabet,......twenty-six pillars of strength, upon which our culture rests."
I think of all the stories about my life and how great to have them written down with all the 26 letters doing their jobs. The vowels "a-e-i-o-u" do double duty and we can thank them for their place in our lives. Our names, addresses, the many rules of our nation and states and homes that keep our lives orderly, that keep accounts of our money. Authors write wonderful books to read. we have calenders to keep track of days, months and years. It is just awesome what 26 little letters do in influences our lives, Another thought....I spent 12 years in school learning to spell, using these letters. Now my grand kids are conversing in tex...OMG, U R nice! It will take another 12 years to learn this new language! Walked an hour shopping today and took three pictures. I'm still focused.........

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